I Need a pick-me-up...

  • Or maybe a kick in the A$$? I have been off plan since Tuesday. That's 5 whole stinkin days. And it is showing. I feel crappy physically and mentally, and the scale is definately not my friend. It all started with not planning while out christmas shopping. It was lunch time-I was hungry. Costco Hot Dog.....downhill from there. I feel like an addict - Just ONE taste. was all it took. (and I didn't even really enjoy it!)
    I have such a hard time planning. If I plan, I succeed. I know this, but for some reason - I'm just not finding it in me to do it.
    I'm thinking a TO might be in order, but the timing really stinks for work and all.
    I want this sooooo bad - why am I having such a hard time all of a sudden?!?!?!
    People are complimenting/noticing my weight loss. That should inspire, me....
    If I'm not careful, I will slide right back out of Onederland...(what I really wanted most!!)
    Anyways enough of my whining.
    Any words of wisdom, ladies?
  • I can't offer any particular words of wisdom I can tell you that it is easy to fall off and not get back on. I've done it a thousand times. If it wasn't for what was going on this time and the fact I keep seeing sizes drop in my clothes and a lot of support from work and finally from home I wouldn't be making it this time. Take it little steps. Make sure to plan even if that is hard for you. Take one day and plan out your week, that way it is done and you dont have to worry about it the rest of the week. Good luck.
  • I am still new at it and I HATE eating some of this stuff. I was raised unhealthy but was always skinny so I am on a for real up hill battle. I find that I look at pics of HOT guys and say "dang it, I want to be the HOT girl" I see gorgeous woman and I want to be that! Post pics or something. If you feel yourself coming down then go for a brisk walk, it will usually motivate you to keep going just a bit longer. When that bad day comes, eat four M&M's and then do some sit ups. I bust my butt at the gym and it releases so much built up anger because I can not eat what I want. Self inflicting pain that is actually good for me...hehehe I feel the burn and I know my goal is right around the corner. I know one day I will be the skinny friend who says "oh how can you eat that sour cream like that" hehehehe I have a goal....what's your goal? Don't even make it a long term goal. Just make a goal for today and stick with it. Go to a health food store and get a great snack. Sorry but I have never been good at being told what to do so this plan IS hard but by god I am going to lose weight one way or another. Come on with me.....A journey for you too!!
  • I need a kick there too.....everyday it seems! I was successful with LAWL three years ago. The lbs have started to creep back on so I have started/restarted about 4 times in the last 6 months. This time I am in it for the long haul. I am so similar. If I screw up one meal, it turns into a week of crappy eating. I consciously have to tell myself it was one meal I need to stop and regroup instead of sabatoge my progress.

    I will be honest I plan like a maniac. Every Sunday night I plan Mon-Fri meals. The week is hardest for me, sometimes it's just easier to order take-out....especially Thurday nights, for some reason.

    I am doing TO Monday and Tuesday in case you want a partner. I will join your journey!
  • Makena (and anyone else!) - First, go back to why you started this plan. What was your motivation then? Next, don't put yourself in the position of having to eat "just anything" by always having something with you. I never leave the house without a LA lite and an apple. You could keep one of the tuna kits in your car. The most important thing according to Dr. Oz, is that you get back on the road that will take you to your weightloss goal. He says our biggest mistakes are getting sidetracked - "Taking a wrong turn" - and then staying on that course when actually our tracking system is telling us to "Make a legal U-turn at the earliest convenience"!
    This is a life style change - not an overnight thing and you will get detoured occassionally. Just remember to get back on track.
    Because you're worth it!!! You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to look healthy. You deserve to have the best blood pressure, cholesterol, blood counts available! You deserve to wear the clothes in the size you WANT to! You deserve to feel good about your appearance. AND your family and loved ones deserve to have the healthiest you that YOU can be!!!
    Sometimes it's a week at at time, sometimes it's a meal at a time, and sometimes... it's a calorie at a time.
    Now stop making excuses, forgive yourself, and get back on track!!!
  • Pearl, our very own "LAWL Motivational Speaker" has put it into words the best, as usual!

    I also wanted to chime in that there is a period a few weeks into the plan where the honeymoon ends, and you start to think that there is no way you can do this. Well, tough it out through that period - you can get beyond it and things will look up.
  • Quote: Pearl, our very own "LAWL Motivational Speaker"
    Kim - My dh and I had a good laugh at that one!
  • Pearl did say it wonderfully! I had a weight loss leader in another program once that gave me the "one meal at a time" advice, and it works so well for me. I also know that any time I slide, it's my own doing ... meaning that I am also the only one that can move me back onto the weight loss road.

    I don't know about you, but I have also noticed that whenever people start to compliment me about my loss, or tell me that I'm looking good, I tend to relax a bit and slide. Can you say self sabotage with me? It's something that I have had to make myself totally aware of and be sure to avoid!

    I'm also beginning to get better about planning. Thanks for the reminder to keep an apple and bar in my purse - I need that during this busy time of year!

    You did the right thing by coming here for motivation!
  • I second what Pearl said. And I have to recommend Dr. Oz's book to anyone who is interested in changing their mind (get it?) Now, where the heck are you???? We are all here waiting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Makena,

    Where are you?

    This thread really helped me tonight. I went op Fri. night and got back on this morning. I weighed in today and gained a whold 5 lbs. over the weekend.

    Pearl, you did put it wonderfully. After reading what you said, I sat here and thought about what my motivation was for giving all my money to the LAWL center. I am motivated again. Thanks, Pearl.

  • Hi girlz!
    Thank you for all of the advice and encouragement. I've been kinda down about not getting myself back on track. I even missed my Sat w/i. I've never skipped yet, so that was a biggie for me.
    When I went in today, my counsellor was great!! She asked why I felt I was having such a hard time, and what could she do to help? (It boils down to not planning for me. We are just sooooo busy with our kids' schedules, and me working part time, that when I've sat down in the evening to plan out the next day, I fall asleep on the couch.) Anyways, she got me a new journal, said "here is your fresh start - & we are going to plan your menu for the next 2 days...." and we did. At first I felt kind of silly and childish, but it was good to get it done. I think that is what I needed, and I'm glad I didn't skip the COD today. I put up a picture of a cruise ship on my fridge...I hope that helps to remind me of one of the many reasons I want to succeed.
    Now I just have to make up for a whole week of being off-plan!!
    I've asked for Dr. Oz's book for Christmas - I sure hope I get it.

    Thank you for caring, and offering your support - you've all helped me get through this one....((Hugs))
  • Makena - I'm so glad your COD visit went well. If you don't have time to plan, then repeat those two days until your next WI. Then you and the counselor can plan a few more days. It may seem childish, but if you can't get the time for yourself at home, this can be a way to get it done. Hang in there and know we are here for you.
  • Makena,

    I'm so happy to see that you are back and with a new positive attitude.

    Remember those 5 lbs. that I told you I gained over the long weekend. Well, I hopped on my bathroom scale today and I lost four of them overnight. (Probably all water weight from all the salt.) See, you'll be right back on track in no time.

    Best wishes.

  • Jackie - WTG getting back on the wagon!
  • Good Job Jackie!!