I am SO proud of me!

  • Hello Ladies-
    Today for lunch, I HAD to go to lunch with co-workers--which is fine, but we were dinning at the cafeteria--a place I try to avoid at all costs. The choices are pasta, pizza, sandwiches, fries, burgers, ice cream, cookies, stromboli, Chicken Pot Pie, quiche and some other food that is questionable. I am a new vegeterian--so my options were kinda limited. But still, the old me would have pigged out on pizza/fries/cookies/pudding/pasta and the list goes on....but I had a salad with lettuce/tomatoes/cucumbers/red onions/celery/cauliflower/and black beans for protein and for desert while everyone were stuffing down cookies, I had an apple. And the best part is that I ENJOYED my lunch--i didnt feel deprieved or anything--and I didnt even crave the other food. Once you start eating real, wholesome food, the other stuff just loses its appeal. But, yes, I am VERY proud of me and it has made my day!
  • Thats great - keep up the willpower!
  • Wow well done! For new veggies its really hard to stick to wholesome food....for me when I turned veggie a few years back I ate fries, cheese, pizza etc...all still veggie but all still bad for you. It took me two years to realise I needed to eat properly - congratulations for realising that sooner! Go you!