Cookies are evil--I'm calling it.

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  • Until now I've had only two foods on my 'forbidden' list, and I do pretty well avoiding them most of the time because they are very specific. Reese's Peanut Butter cups and Crunchy Cheetos. They are only forbidden for me because I can't stop for whatever reason, and will go into a huge binge if I start and portions are not severely limited. While I don't seek out similar foods like a Snickers bar or potato chips, they don't have a similar effect on me and I can stop after a reasonable amount. There are a long list of other foods I avoid because I tend to overdo, but again, it isn't the same no-holds-barred, binge effect. So the short list.

    After looking at my food logs, doing some soul searching, I've come to the conclusion that I have a similar problem with cookies. This one is harder because it isn't as specific, but in particular, I'm having issues with shortbread and sugar cookies. So reluctantly, I'm adding them to my forbidden list. I'm not having problems with similar foods like breakfast or granola bars, muffins, sweet breads, just the cookies. I have to figure out now if I can have other kinds of cookies in moderation, or if all cookies just get banned.

    Sniff. Bye bye cookies. I'll miss you. But it really is for the best. Sigh.

  • Hail fellow Cookie Monster! Good for you for figuring out your triggers!

    I don't do 'moderate' cookies either, so just don't do 'em at all. But - you really won't miss them after a while. And it beats fighting cravings and binges any day of the week.

    Now I have to figure out how to bake a dozen kinds for Christmas without tasting.
  • My definate trigger is potato crisps, im not sure why but they always have been and always will be. I adore savories, i can take or leave chocolate, but some of my more spectacular binges saw me binge on roasted peanuts, potato chips, honey roasted cashew nuts so maybe i should say nuts and potato chips! I know that some nuts have good fats in them and are good for you, but i just need to steer totally clear of all of them.

    Good for you on recognising your trigger and adding it too your list. Its hard when we make some foods a no go area, but it just has to be done to win the battle.
  • Cookies have always been a trigger for me. One or two will just not cut it. I keep going back for more. They're convenient, hand held, and not messy. The perfect food! Grab two, head to the computer or TV. Not satisfied? Grab two more. Read the mail. Not satisfied? Grab two more ad nauseum. I could eat a whole package. Therefore, I don't buy them. Crackers can do it to me, too, but only specific ones like Wheat Thins or Cheese Its. Others I can eat a couple with cheese and not go back.

    However, I am baking tonight. 6 batches of brownies and other bar cookies. I'll sample them perhaps, but the rest will be donated to the high school's music festival on Saturday. We sell cookies at 50 cents for two. You'd be amazed how people will keep coming back as long as the cookies are homemade! Its a good fundraiser. I'm also planning on making some gingerbread cookies for decorating, but I'm going to give those away, so I'm pretty sure I won't eat any of those!
  • I can resist store-bought cookies, but my home-made ones are evil for me. I try to limit when I bake them and take them other places. I do use splenda to bake them with, but it doesn't help much, I always over-eat on them.

    I haven't had a single potato chip of any kind in 17 months. This is something that I am going to live without. They would be my undoing. Esp. Cheetos.
  • Cookies are evil. I buy them for my little girl because well.. she likes them. Anyways.. I can avoid at all costs with no problem until TOM.. which is now. I had three cookies last night. Im ok with that, but I think there could have been a better use of 200 cals lol.
  • I'm with you lilybelle, I can stay away from the store bought, I buy them for my DH. There won't be any cookie baking in my house this Christmas. Bad,Grandma.
  • I'm with pigginpodgey (now there's a name!), sweets, eh, take them or leave them for the most part, but savory snacks, and especially wheat thins (the reduced fat ones are best) and white cheddar cheese-its, are one my banned list. I've been down the "I'll get a box and divide it up" route - I just eat all the packages! I love all kinds of crackers, but these two are absolutely banned. My DH loves sweets of all kinds. I do bake for him a couple times a month, but not too often at his request. And he's - um - frugel enough that he won't buy many for himself.
  • Quote: Cookies have always been a trigger for me. One or two will just not cut it. I keep going back for more. They're convenient, hand held, and not messy. The perfect food! Grab two, head to the computer or TV. Not satisfied? Grab two more. Read the mail. Not satisfied? Grab two more ad nauseum. I could eat a whole package. Therefore, I don't buy them. Crackers can do it to me, too, but only specific ones like Wheat Thins or Cheese Its.
    Yep, that sums me up right there. I don't do cookies anymore either. I think I've had maybe 5 or so since I changed my life in July 2004. Not worth it, I hate myself after I eat out of my control.

    Potato chips I never cared for one way or another, I haven't had them at all since I changed my life, but mainly because they were easy to give up so why not give them up? No sense eating high calorie junk if I don't love it.
  • This year I have a girl scout. Sigh. I will need to just not eat one, cause if I eat one, I'll eat them all.
  • Hmm, cookies aren't such a problem, but I have banned all breakfast cereal and pasta. It either leads to a binge or a very grumpy me who fought off the binge but ain't happy about it. Weird how sometimes it's just easier to skip it than have a taste.
  • Man, I hear you on Reese's PB Cups and Cheetos. They're at the top of my list, too. I tried the SF version of the PB cups for a while, but they were still too much of a trigger for me. Same goes for Baked Cheetos.

    I still buy cookies but NEVER in big packages anymore. For the boys, I buy the little 100 calorie cookie packs in different varieties. For me, I only buy South Beach Diet peanut butter cookies that come two to a pack. They're low in sugar and high in fiber and I'm good with two. I definitely have struggled with bingeing in the past, but I've been able to control myself with the individually wrapped servings.

    I don't really bake anymore because I can't resist homemade goodies. This year, I'm making Maple Glazed Walnuts for the neighbors (we always exchange food gifts). It's the perfect recipe for me because a walnut will never pass these lips - ick. I won't be tempted in the slightest.
  • Oh, my. Glazed walnuts are a sweet I'll eat too much of. I love walnuts.
  • Pat, if they were Maple Glazed Pecans or Almonds, that'd be a WHOLE different story!
  • Quote: This year I have a girl scout. Sigh. I will need to just not eat one, cause if I eat one, I'll eat them all.
    I haven't eaten girl scout cookies ever since they stopped making them with real girl scouts.