How late is too late to eat?

  • So i had a little 'blip' i didn't lose anything actually had a little gain on sunday...this made me very depressed and when i saw all my friends eating i ate too... we spent the whole evening snacking on raisins and a I had slice of cake that i'd made(talk about digging my own grave!! ).. And yesterday when i woke up i felt even worse it was almost like a form of punishment cos i woke up feeling terrible had my cereal and another slice of cake and didnt eat again for the whole day, i was feeling a little hungry at work so i drank some water and after work went straight to bed....

    So i'm back on it today but now i'm so afraid to eat anything late in the evening in case i gain again on sunday and trigger this bad cycle again..I was really busy today had lectures ALL day till 5... but i managed to eat my special K in the morning with a boiled egg and 1 litre of water then i had a whole bag of grapes at work with a litre of water. the thing is I rarely get hungry i usually get dizzy spells instead.

    My problem is now after the incident on sunday i don't want to eat after 6 but by the time i finished work and we only have a 10 minute break it's about 9 then i have to cook, and it wont be cooked and eaten till about 10:30. What can i do? I know this is too late to eat and my body doesn't like it...
    Today i had two boiled eggs and salad cos its way too late for anything like rice(which is my main food).What can i do?

    i'va also realised that when i cheat on the weekend and weigh on monday i have a bigger loss...Is this just me?
  • Aw, maybe you're stressing out for no reason!

    I've always taken it as your body can have a given # of calories in a 24 hour period (or that averaged out over, say a week so higher some days, lower others). So it doesn't matter a bit what time you eat in that 24 hr period - so long as you roughly stick to the right # cals.

    For a guideline to the # cals per day, find an online tool like those at

    'Basal Metabolic Rate' - and eat upto that number, per day. You could eat the whole lot at midnight, so far as your body's concerned... it won't care!

    PS: Just occured to me, you may find this helpful

    It's free and if you input what you eat in a day it tells you how many cals. Try seeing what that bag of grapes is - might explain the weight gain!

    PPS: if you weigh 'less' on a Monday - why not change your weigh in day!
  • Hmm..this seems some what true..cos my skinny friends they stay up ALL night muching on pasta and cheese...They wake up about 3 in the afternoon and have tea, then eat again at about 5 and then again at about 12 midnight.

    I have another house mate who eats bread and cheese ALL THE TIME AND NEVER PUTS ON WEIGHT!!the other day she was actually complaining that she'd put on some weight...

    Last night they were eating pasta and cheese bake at about 1 in the morning all washed down with a bottle of coke and 2 hours later were asleep . Sometimes my friend eats with me at dinner time about 5 for me, then at 12 she's up muching some more and telling me i don't eat enough. Who knows?
  • Just a thought... if you are getting giddy when you eat a lot of grapes you might well need to think about eating a low GI diet because it sounds a bit like you are getting a hypoglycemic slump. Its quite common - I get it if I eat a lot of sugary things. This website gives more information.
  • try eating more regularly...

    sounds like ur starving urself...

    if ur doig SW there are tonnes of "free" foods you can eat as much as you like... stock up for hungary times...

    might help with ur dizzyness!... eating more often... and try some not so sugary foods too... as u can eat low-fat etc.. but things can be high in sugar.

    i find eating sweat things sets me off wanting more sweet things.... and then sabotaging everything...

    keep you diet it varied.. and give ur self some slack!.. dont be so hard on yourself !....
  • Over the last year or so I've fluctuated between trying not to eat after 6pm and not really being bothered when I eat just so long as I don't go over my calorie allowance and, TBH, it hasn't made the slightest difference to my weight loss at all.

    There are somethings I don't eat/drink in the evenings - like a lot of cheese or anything with caffeine in - but only because they affect my sleep - apart from that I agree with PhatPhoenix.
  • i used to work shifts... found it was what i was eating made a difference.. ..not if i had my "lunch" at 3am.. !