Old Hens - 40+ and Ready to Lose!!! #106

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  • This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

    This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after age 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.

  • Good morning ladies,

    We now have snow! I'd say 6-8 inches, maybe more. I've done my morning exercise. 47 minutes total. Now I need to go shovel out a doorway and path to the cars and take care of the horses. Then I'll have to get off to work.

    At least its Friday! Have a great one!
  • I'm back. Nine inches of snow is what we got. Taking a PTO day and working from home. Been out shoveling and checking out the new four wheeler. Time for a nap but I should be doing some work.
  • I'm really lonely here today!

    Lilion - How's the weather there? We saw on the news where I-70 is closed from 65 to Boonesville. The line of semi's stuck between in the two was unreal. Even called in the Red Cross to help the stranded people. I'm so grateful not to be in that.

    Our excitement for the day was that the "frost free" water spigot was frozen this morning and no water to the horses. So I carried a few buckets of hot water out to help unthaw what was remaining in the tank. We should have had the heater on the aluminum tank but nooooooo, DH had to procrastinate that. He called the plumber and about 10 minutes before the plumber got here this afternoon, the sun had thawed it out and it was working again. My fault for leaving the short hose on it. Its only about four feet long, thought it would be okay as the water would have a chance to completely drain. Guess not. Since the plumber didn't have to fix anything, he put the heater on the other tank. Turns out he's a farmer that lives about two miles away. Once again we are bozo's from the city. Oh well.

    We took the four wheeler out for some fun this afternoon. I love that thing. Since its made for two, we both can ride just like we're riding a motorcycle. This is going to be a blast for us. Since DH can't ride horses and desperately wants to, this will be a great substitute for him wanting to go on trail rides. We'll have ATV places to go and I can take someone else for the horse trail rides. Will be much safer for him. We were like two kids out there in the cold and snow today. The dog loved it too.
  • Quote: I'm really lonely here today!

    We took the four wheeler out for some fun this afternoon. I love that thing. Since its made for two, we both can ride just like we're riding a motorcycle. This is going to be a blast for us. Since DH can't ride horses and desperately wants to, this will be a great substitute for him wanting to go on trail rides. We'll have ATV places to go and I can take someone else for the horse trail rides. Will be much safer for him. We were like two kids out there in the cold and snow today. The dog loved it too.
    Wheeee! The four wheeler sounds like fun Terri. I have a friend in TN whose husband exercises their Pointers by having them follow him through woods and fields 5 or 6 days a week while he drives a four wheeler.

    It's our day for the weather change today. It was 68 this morning. The front came thru at 3:30 and dumped about an inch of rain. My old dog is still recovering from the wind and thunder. The older she gets the more thunder bothers her. It's probably because her hearing is going. She's 13.5 and I hate it when I'm not there to calm her when it storms but sometimes I have to work to pay for the dog food. Now we're waiting for the high winds. We're not going to get as much snow as a lot of you gals. The worst will be just northeast of us but it's sure gonna get cold. Good night to stay home and snuggle w/the canines.
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Terri - we got POUNDED in JC! I think there's about 14" of the nasty white stuff outside. On the up side, I used muscles I haven't in years shoveling snow yesterday! My DS has made $60 so far doing peoples walks and drives. It's nasty out there though. I tried to call in to work yesterday - but NO ONE ANSWERED THE PHONE! Apparently no one went to my office yesterday!

    Hope you all are warmer and drier than we are!

    Nothing much to report otherwise, so I'm off! I'll try to get back with you fine ladies later!
  • Sorry, Missouri neighbors... it mostly missed us! Just a few inches of snow and a little ice here.

    Not much to say today. Hope everyone's doing well. I need to make this month count if I'm going to have any chance of being below 290 by my birthday. But here I've gone without dinner and I'm starving at almost 9 p.m. I just keep doing the same stupid stuff over and over again.

    Well, I'm too hungry not to eat at all, so I'll try to at least eat healthy. Oatmeal, maybe. That sounds good, given that I have to go out into the cold first.

    Okay, later ladies.... keep warm.
  • Hello Hens!
    Would you all like to know how to lose ten lbs overnight? Had my surgery Fri. They were able to do it laproscopically, thank goodness, cause I am very sore! I don't even want to iamgine what being cut open would have been like. The fleet took care of the ten lbs! Wow, who would have thought it! Of course when I went for the pre-op I weighed about ten lbs more than my scale was showing , so guess I didn't lose anything. HA!

    I haven't had an appetite since then though. I have only tried to eat yesterday. Nothing taste good. I am sure that will soon change and I will be right back to my old self.

    My Mom is doing very well. They took the staples out of her leg and removed the foam piece that was holding her legs straight, so she can move around some now. I am sure she feels better now that she can sit up some. I haven't been able to go out to see her for a few days.

    My sister is still here with us. She has been a real life saver! She goes out to see about Mom and so does my husband.

    I hope that all of the bad stuff is behind us now and we can all get healthy for the new year.

    Oh yeah, the Dr. said everything looked good after my surgery, but of course they sent tissue off to be tested for cancer.

    Well, my hens that is the report from here. I am hoping that I can just continue to lose now that I have started. Just need to get myself back on program and stay there Holidays or no!

    While I was in the hospital getting ready for the surgery I really got a good idea of what it means to be so FAT! It makes everything so much harder to do. NOT GOOD! Take care frineds, Ruth
  • morning ladies,

    No snow melting today. The high will be 28. Glad the farrier came yesterday because standing in the loafing shed in the sunshine holding horses, it was very warm. However it was nippy out in the breeze. All the horses did pretty good. Now I know where Peso needs work before he comes again in 8 weeks. I held Spice while he worked on Ginger and had a great time just rubbing and hugging on her. She is such a sweetheart. Maybe next time, she will get a trim.

    Since I joined the exercise thread, it has helped me to be mindful of doing some form of exercise each day so that I can add minutes. I've gotten the spare bedroom turned into my exercise area. I'm using my portable DVD player. I drug out my Biggest Loser DVD yesterday and did the strength workout from that. This morning I did 17 minutes of the cardio program from the Push.tv DVD. I can tell how the variety of workouts is working the muscles in such different ways and how doing the same routine (i.e. stationary bike for cardio) maybe isn't the most results producing way to go. For me anyway. Feels great to be moving like this again.

    I need to hit the shower and off to church. I have a bunch of office work to get finished up this weekend so that I can have that behind me and on to the next crisis for Monday.

    Have a great Sunday.

    Great to see you checking in Ruth, Angela, and Lilion. to everyone!
  • Evenin'

    Just checking in tonight. WI yesterday showed no loss but no gain either. Darn those cookies I mentioned earlier in the week.

    It's been a much better weekend than forecast. Cold but no snow. I went birding for a couple hrs. this morning but the wind didn't blow anything unusual into our area.

    Oh yeah, I found a little-used, wooden, child's chair at a consignment shop down the road this morning. It was marked down to $7.50! Now the Raggedy Ann and Andy made out of printed cotton with yarn hair that were given to me on my "0" birthday have a chair to sit in. (They were waiting for me when Mom and Dad brought me home from the hospital.) I've carried them with me for all of my 57 yrs. Now they reside together on their little chair in my guest room. They make me smile.

    My only challenge this week should be an "out to dinner" with friends on Wed. As long as I don't get lost along the way I'm hoping for an OP week.

    TERRI Good for you recomitting (sp?) to exercise. I'm just not ready for that yet.

    RUTH I know you'll be relieved when the lab results come back. I'm glad you're feeling better and very glad your sister is there to help until you're feeli' strong. Take care and mend well.

    Everyone must be really busy this weekend 'cause a lot of you are MIA this weekend. Off to refill my water bottle and settle in to watch the dog show.
  • Hello Dear Ladies!

    I've been pretty quiet lately - sorry 'bout that. At least I've been behaving myself again. Not REALLY well, cuz I haven't been exercising like I should, but I've been fairly OP with food. As of this morning - much to my own amazement - the scale is back down 5 of the 6 pounds I regained last month while I was going through my job-change-and-whatever crisis. I was sure it was wrong. I even stepped off and back on and stood in a different spot on the scale, but insisted it was right the first time. Who am I to argue?? Of course, I don't think I'll ask it again for a week, just in case it's in a different mood tomorrow morning.

    I had a WONderful ride on Saturday. I rode Cody (the morab I just got back) and little 8 (& a half!) year-old Stephanie rode my old Steega. Cody started out being a fussy jerk, which he never was before that other woman leased him. He wouldn't stand for me to get on, and continued to throw a little fit while I was trying to adjust my stirrup. Ya ever lose your temper a bit and do something really stupid??? Well, sitting there on him with no stirrup on my left foot, I finally got ticked off enough to reach up and smack him high on his neck just behind his ear - on the left side. Dumb, dumb, dumb. He popped up and spun to the right, so I lost that stirrup too, just as he gave two good hops - and I countered with two sharp jerks, which were in reality desparate attempts to save my sorry neck. I still can't believe I stayed on! But he couldn't believe I'd smacked him. I've NEVER done it like that before, and it made a BIG impression on him. At least he was his old self, a perfect gentleman, from that moment forward. We got on with some very nice quiet work and he paid attention and responded to gentle hands like he should. The first time I had ridden him after he came back, he "jigged" his head almost constantly. (It's what it sounds like - a fast, nervous shaking/jerking of his head, which makes communication through the bridle just about impossible.) He didn't do that nonsense anymore, either.

    Steph did awesome on Steega, too. When he wanted to be lazy and incooperative and just follow Cody around, she was able to guide him where she wanted, and even trot him in the opposite direction right past us. For a little child that's still learning and a horse that knows the ropes, that's a very nice accomplishment. She's gaining confidence and control, and I'm thrilled.

    ... I'm also stilled thrilled that I stayed ON! In support of riding helmets, I have to say I was REALLY glad I had mine on. Minors are required to wear them at the barn, but for me it's optional. In all honesty, I was only wearing it because Steph was there and I felt it was important to set a good example. When Cody popped up, I'm fairly sure he hit me with the top of his head, but it caught the front of my helmet and I just had an impression of being bumped, instead of firmly bashed, or even ending up with a broken nose or teeth. Odd - I firmly believe in their value, but having grown up riding thousands of miles without ever wearing one, I still hate to wear one. I guess I better get used to 'em, cuz I'll be wearing one from now on! One thing I've learned on this list - It's never too late to start a new good habit, or break a bad old one!

    Enough horsey yammering. Well, almost. TERRI, Spice sounds like such an absolute joy! Since you mentioned about handling feet, do you use a soft rope to lift youngsters feet at first? It's good way to get them used to being handled without risking your face down yonder, plus personally I like getting them used to ropes or whatever around their legs. I think it helps make them less reactive to anything that might get wrapped around their legs in the future, too. It sounds like all your horses are very easy and delightful to work with. Does your DB still come out to play, or has the cold weather scared him off for the winter? Awesome that you're on the exercise thread and finding motivation there. Great job on the exercise!

    RUTH! I'm glad to 'see' you looking so positive after your surgery. I'm sure it's tough to have to go through all that, especially with your mom going through so much at the same time. Hopefully that laproscopy will enable you to heal more quickly and you'll be much better in time for the holidays! Here's wishing you a much healthier New Year, with less stress and more success! At least with no appetite you have a little head start on me... I'm staying pretty OP, but I could eat a chocolate horse if you put on within reach!

    ANGELA, sorry your havng such a hard time staying OP. Would it help to plan meals, or at least easy, grab-able OP food to take with you or ready in the frig when you get home? Missing dinner is a recipe for trouble. I know when I'm hungry I make such terrible choices myself. I just made another meatloaf (I LOVE meatloaf) so that I can just open the frig door and fall into it face first. Keeps me from thinking about going for McD's or making mac & cheese. Try not to worry if you miss your birthday goal by a bit, after all if you miss it by another month, what's a month? MAKING that 290 goal is more important than a few weeks on the schedule. Besides, I promise you you'll have another birthday next year, so you can make another goal. It's not the speed, it's the direction.

    LADY LILION, "I tried to call in to work yesterday - but NO ONE ANSWERED THE PHONE! " That is so funny, but I sure don't blame them, ...and they sure can't blame you! I hope you enjoyed a little extra R&R while you were snowed in, and didn't overdo it with the shoveling.

    JUDY, Your poor old baby! I know my Max is terrified of storms, too. When we were still on the truck he would be so scared when there was Thunder. I finally named the rain and thunderboomers for him, and he just looked at me like I was nuts at first. Eventually he would look to me to tell him "It's just thunderboomers." He never totally got used to them, but the violent shaking got less and less, and then disappeared. He used to freak out at gunshot, too. Sometimes he still does, but the other day when I heard lots of shots I looked at him and he was relaxed, laying down and looking around. Now his separation anxiety is something else.... Our poor babies.
    Oh, JUDY! You're a birder!? Question for ya - what kind of seeds should I get for my feeders to make my CHICKADEES happy??? I LOVE chickadees! I have a modest collection of them, and am delighted when the real ones come to visit. Earlier today I finally hung a feeder that I bought a year ago. I even made a special trip to go buy the seed, but am not sure I got the right stuff. It was the only bag with a pic of chickadees on it, but packaging doesn't mean anything.

    THIN? Where U at?

    The wind caused a lot of damage around here - shingles blown off, barn doors jammed or almost ripped off, signs down, even found a large empty wasp nest blown into the front yard. So how come there are still leaves in my yard? Oh well.

    I'm feeling rather chilly right now. I must not be moving enough. Well, since we got a tree today, I better go find the ornaments. I have this sneaking suspicion that there'll be a load going to Goodwill before I get to the decoration boxes. I've already had to convince Bill that the box from the new sump pump could be thrown away - we won't be packing it to take it to the next house. He's a hoarder - boxes, defunct printers, a tarnished chandalier ... I, of course, have NO such foibles of my own for him to put up with

    OH! One more thing! Bill & I were talking and I was playing with my ring, which is getting quite loose. I slipped it off my ring finger and was saying that soon I'd be able to wear it on my middle finger - and it just slid right on! - My middle finger that is. I was so shocked that Bill was even laughing. I'm actually wearing it on my middle finger now because I was starting to get scared I'd lose it off my ring finger, and it slides on and off even the middle one easily. I'll have to get it re-sized, but I'd like to lose more weight first. ...of course, if the weather was hot or I was in the middle of exercising, I'm sure it would fit on my ring finger just fine.

    Well, Bill has left for New York (Yuk - Manhatten even!) and Barb is out at her sister's. So me and the boys will have to get busy on that Christmas tree. Tis the season....... HUGE HUGS TO YOU ALL, WHETHER YOU NEED 'EM OR NOT!!!
  • Quote: Hello Dear Ladies!
    Oh, JUDY! You're a birder!? Question for ya - what kind of seeds should I get for my feeders to make my CHICKADEES happy??? I LOVE chickadees! I have a modest collection of them, and am delighted when the real ones come to visit. Earlier today I finally hung a feeder that I bought a year ago. I even made a special trip to go buy the seed, but am not sure I got the right stuff. It was the only bag with a pic of chickadees on it, but packaging doesn't mean anything.
    Valerie, food for Chickadees is easy. They're my favorite too. Any of the mixes w/Chickadees or Cardinals on them are fine. They'll also eat sunflower seed (black oil is a special favorite of my winter birds), suet and even shelled peanuts. If you do peanuts get a very sturdy wire mesh or metal feeder. Anything less and the squirrels will eat thru the feeder. My birds are the one thing I really missed since moving out of the house in the woods. I've put out a feeder on the terrace of my apt. but so far I've only had house sparrows. Hopefully the cold will bring me a much bigger variety of birds. The pointers are happy just watching thru the slider and pointing sparrows.
  • JUDY, Boy, I wish I'd known that when I was buying the seed. The "Cardinal Mix" was $3 cheaper than the "Morning Song" mix I bought. Thanks! I'll know better when I go for the next batch of bird feed. The feeder I bought is really pretty, but it also has a spring on it so that if a squirrel climbs on it, their weight will pull it closed so they can't steal all the seed. We put field corn out for them, and bread and things, so they will hardly starve if they can't steal all the bird seed. Of course, if we were smart, we'd throw all the squirrel food in the neighbor's yard and hope they move next door.

    EDIT: I finally got reaquainted with my treadmill. Just did 16 minutes, but that's 16 minutes more than I've done in a few weeks, and 16 minutes more than I would have done if I hadn't sworn here that I'd get on the thing! The Trans Syberian Orchastra didn't hurt one bit either - what a great tempo!
  • Morning ladies,

    Dang its cold today. In the single digits. However, it is supposed to get above the freezing point each day this week. I don't mind cold, but really don't like the 2 degree kind of cold. Thank goodness that we finally got the heater put on the horse water tank. It will have come in handy last night.

    I need to get to work early today and finish what I tried to get accomplished over the weekend. Its work I only do once a year and its reviewing what staff did - however it has to do with taxable stuff that goes on w-2's - i.e. relocation expense, personal use on company cars, etc. Something I have to rethink about every year. I won't be sorry that this work will be integrated and sent to Chicago for them to do as of 1/1.

    I did start my morning with exercise. Since I got up and did some office work at 5:15, I only allowed myself time for a 20 minute workout. If you could call it a workout. Using the spin bike while still wearing a flannel nightgown doesn't exactly inspire one to really get at it hard. But at that time in the morning anyway, I figure easy movement is about all I can handle. It still counts!

    Valerie - Awesome that you got to ride! And stay on. Also great job for hitting the treadmill.

    Judy - Spending two hours outside birding sounds fun! Do you walk around or mostly go lurk behind a bush? Still sounds fun!

    to everyone! Must not linger at the computer this morning. Have a great day!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Back at work after a busy weekend! I'm almost glad to be out of the house! (no - not really.)

    Ruth: How are you dear? Glad to hear they did your surgery the easy way. I felt pretty good after my laproscopic surgery in June. I hope you are recovering well. Glad also to hear your mom is doing better! That has to be a help to your state of mind! to you! on the test results!

    Terri: Did you get dug out of the snow yet? I HATE SNOW! Actually, I don't mind snow so much, but I HATE ICE and COLD! I was walking (carefully) from parking to the office today and thinking to myself, "I can't believe I ever contemplated moving to Wyoming!" Yuck! WTG with the morning exercise!

    Judy: I have a bird question too! How long will birdseed last? I have some in the house that is literally 6+ years old (left-over from my wedding) that I forgot about! Can I still put it out, or should I throw it in the trash where the birds can't find it?

    Angela: Don't feel bad about "doing the same stupid stuff over" - we all do! Personally, I'm having baking withdrawal! I always bake cookies and breads and such at Christmas time and it's making me crazy not to this year. I keep trying new low-fat cookie recipes and so I have to eat them, of course!

    Thin: I know you are out there - I've seen your quiz!

    Mary: Are you into that house yet?

    Barbara: How's the latest office drama?

    Valerie: WTG on getting back on the treadmill - and STAYING on the horse!


    Well, I'm off for now! Take care ladies and stay away from the Christmas goodies - if you can!