It's weird... and NSV's

  • To be around people that have never known me as the HUGE person I once was!

    I know I'm not skinny by any means, but I know I carry my 190 lbs well and I don't think anyone walking down the street would do a double take like they used to.

    I've moved to a new part of the country, gotten a new job... and it's just a weird feeling to be around people that see me as "normal"! They don't know what I've been through in the last couple years... they don't know how overweight I once was... It's interesting to see how different their perception is of me than the perception my friends who have seen me through all the weight loss. I think I'll keep it my little secret .

    And my NSV's for the week... I bought a pair of Jrs. size 15 pants yesterday! and they fit WELL! I've NEVER, even in HS been able to fit into Juniors clothing, so it's kind of cool .

    ANDDDD one of the cashiers at my store called me "skinny ***" the other day LOL... whoohoo never been called skinny before
  • Congrats on you NSV!!! You should be pproud of yourself.
  • I can relate. When I meet people now that didn't know me prior to wt. loss, I don't tell them. It feels so different to just be treated as a"normal" wt. person. I wish no one really knew of the struggles that I have had with my wt. It's my own personal battle. (This board is different of course, as we've all been battling this same issue).

    Congrat's on the great NSV's. Hearing that "skinny" word sure makes us feel great. WTG on the juniors size.
  • Very nice! Be proud of yourself - you have totally earned it.
  • Ya know, I forgot about it but I bought a pair of those skinny legged jeans in Hot Topic (its a dark, rock n roll type store) They where 15's as well. They are too big! I have to wear a belt with them. I was too scared to even try on the 13's even though I brought them in to the dressing room. I was just so happy the 15's fit I didn't push my luck!! Yay us!!! I would keep my weight issues to myself as well.
  • I think I would keep my previous weight to myself. Not because I'm trying to hide it, but because I'd like to see how people treat me without any preconceived notions about who they think I am based on my old weight (like some people do now). Way to go, you're doing so great
  • That is so cool! Congratulations!