Weekly Chat - November 20th - 26th

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  • I'm having some trouble at home. Is there anyone that I can PM as a sounding board/ I don't have anyone that I can talk to.
  • Thanks Kim, I have a long way to go and need to stay on track all the way. I deeply appreciate your help in finding the recipe!!

    I look at Linda’s low carb site and there is a lot of great ideas there, thank you.

    I had another good day yesterday, I’m at work again today and I packed my typical lunch. I really need to cook tomorrow to liven up lunch. Now I just need to step exercising more, I’ve been doing sit ups at night but I really need to take time for myself and start walking. Well would like to wish everyone a great LC weekend.
  • Lily you can pm me if you like.
  • or me
  • Restarted today! All the left over carby stuff is gone!! There are no tempting treats of any kind in the house!!

    I didnt think waiting til monday was going to help me any.
  • Good for you Robin!

    I'm still hanging in there eating meats and veggys mostly. Some low carb goodies, but no sugars or starches.
  • Hi again! haven't been by in a few days. It's been a *tough* several days.
    I am wondering, however, what do you all have for breakfast? Do any of you use the LC breads or wraps on the market. I looked in vain, for atkins bread, even the mix to make rolls or pancakes with no luck. It does state on his website in a Sample INDUCTION WEEK menu showing bread (his brand) on the menu and pancakes, I am assuming made from his mix.
    I think if I can have a 1/2 sandwich at lunch or slice of toast, it would behove my efforts and my intentions. Could be a mind set thing
    Dinner is no problem. What are your breakfast, choices?
    Another question would be..what about if you need to take Pepto for a stomach ache or Rolaids up an upset stomach, do these count towards putting some type of sugar in the body durning your induction?
    Weird question I know, but I wonder about these things
    That's me being anal
    Still am enjoying reading here and love your comradiere. I even emailed Linda @ Lindas Low Carb and actually heard from her
    She also states that she didn't adherd to the 20 grams and Today just watches her carb intake. Did any of you read her bio?? and see the other pictures on her site?? Awesome!!!!
    Oh....I LOVE vegetables but can see they are limited..to an extent. How do or did you veggie lovers out there handle it? I am in the mood for a great big salad with REAL dressing.
    Thank you one and all for any input you can give me. I will be back, if it's ok with all of you....
    BTW...you all did an awesome job with T-giving....
  • L.J.

    There are lots of quiche's (meatless & also with meat) on Linda's website you could have for breakfast as well as mock danish, "waffles" & "french toast".

    Personally, I don't buy that Dr. Atkins ever meant Induction to include breads (even low carb). Unfortunately, after his death, Atkins Nutritionals took over and a lot of things changed. Sticking with whole, unprocessed foods on the acceptable foods list is, in my opinion, your best bet for Induction.

    All the best to you!!

  • Good Morning

    LJ, I agree with Kim. If you check out the "what did you have for breakfast" thread it will give you lots of ideas on what to have for breaky.

    about the rolaids....I take tums all the time. Seems that the more water I drink, the heart burn I get. I dont count the tums, or pepcid complete in my carb counts. I havent found them to affect my weightloss at all. So dont worry about that...its not worth risking burning your esophogus(cant spell that one).

    Well, I made it thru yesterday Yahhhh!! k, on to today!

    Lily, pm me and I'll give you my email address if you would like.

    Have a great sunday ladies.
  • Hi All!

    Tx for mentioning sit ups Holly . . . was trying to think of something that I could do during our football afternoon instead of just vegetating on the couch - gonna try to do some sets during the commercials. LOOK OUT you non-existent stomach muscles LOL!

    IA with jerseygirl on the atkins/bread thing. Would just add that for me personally, any kind of lc bread/ lc chips etc at the beginning point just leads me to obsess about bread etc in a way - eventually to bingeing or at least a stall out. I just think to myself that the white stuff is out of my life at this point-not forever. JMO.

    Sending lilyb some positive vibes--lily has already been such an inspiration to me!

    Speaking of inspiration . . . A Big Chat Shout Out to "Sherry 3day No Cheat"!!!

    I DID love Linda's Low Carb Site lj . . . and enjoyed her bio. I don't have the discipline at this point to just go with whole foods and not count - altho' that's where I'd like to be when I grow up. I'm making it 3 days at a time by being very careful . . . weight loss would be the proverbial icing on the proverbial cake . . . right now I'm just loving feeling GREAT! Looking fwd to re-visiting there for more recipes.

    Breakfast isn't a deal for me cause of the shift I'm on . . . just not hungry for breakfast when I wake up in the afternoon. AM forcing myself to get something down for fuel sake only.

    Congrats on cleaning the house out robin - I recently did the same thing for a twofold reason - one of our Holiday Visitors-9 yrs old-has a severe eating disorder. Her Mom has to lock the refrigerator and cabinets with padlocks - saw something similar to this on Maury one time(????) She is in intensive treatment (for several years) but Mom was still hesitant to let her stay for a slumber party--I threw all the "bad" kind of foods OUT for her sake AND MINE! So far so good - 'cept I just noticed that while I was in here on the PC, the Poor Thing just ate the leftovers off everyone's breakfast plates.
  • Thanks ladies, I'll wait til tomorrow to PM when DH is back at work. Not much privacy right now.

    We went deer hunting yesterday, I saw 2 but didn't get a shot.

    I'm staying on program with my eating and walking. Hope everyone else is doing great.
  • Thanks Kim, Robin and Aud.....
    Yea I did wonder about the bread in the 'sample' menu...guess I'll do without. Can always have my tuna on romaine lettuce, and I think the bread thing is a mental thing. In his book before his death he did state do not stray from Induction the first two weeks. It's gonna be tough I'll I have to give it at least that.
    I am in awe of all of you, so disiplined. Do any of you write down you carb intake in a journaling sort of way?
    Guess that is enough questions for one day
    Lilybelle...I don't know you quite yet but I want to tell you I hope everything is ok...I know what it means to have 'no one' to talk to when you're feeling down.

    Well I'm getting hungry, it 1:45.. Oh, I did have a good breakfast I thought. 2 JimmyDean breakfast sausages no carbs, and one egg 1 carb, and my beloved coffee with 1tbs of heavy cream....oh yeah and the heartburn that followed ....gave in and took a rolaids chewable...
    I'll check back later today or tomorrow....we're in the process of rearranging furniture...I bore easily and I need a change!!!

    PS my lunch included dry salami...it states ZERO carbs
    but in the ingredients listed sugar is near the end of the list...now what?? I was reading Atkins Book when I thought...oh no!!! see, now I feel like I messed up my otherwise good day...
    Then why does the package say ZERO carbs...ughhh Now I have to wonder about the JD breakfast sauage patties....
    Guess I can toss this up to not another good day....
    Oh Well
    Thanks again everyone!!
  • My scale was back down to 249.5 again today. I had refused to change my marker when it slipped higher. Now for some new losses.
  • Hey all! Sounds like everyone did great over Thanksgiving. Thats wonderful! Ihave been feeling really hungry lately, Maybe it's because I've started exercising more. Finding it tough to keep from snacking. All the protien is making me nausaus already!
    Lillybelle, I know I'm a little late with the offer of a shoulder but, YOu have been an inspiration to me and more help than you know. I would be happy to be able to help you out anyway I can, Even if it's just lending an ear!

    Have a good next week all!
  • Evening All! Just got back from walking all over downtown looking at the Christmas Decorations and window shopping with DH. We're going to try avoid a certain gigantic box shaped chain store this year and give cute presents from our darling downtown. Stopped at the coffee shop and had a sf raspberry frappe. Gosh its been a great holiday . . . and looking forward to NOT having to go to work again tomorrow! w00t!

    lj - 1 carb here or there shouldn't make you think you've had a "bad day" - or are you just kidding?

    Managed a few sets of crunches holly.

    WTG sherry! I don't weigh again til Wed but feeling optimistic already.

    Remembered a treat I used to love for dessert - I'd freeze whipped cream in ice cube trays . . . pop a few out into a mug and pour diet root beer over the top. YUM!