30 Somethings Friday 11/17

  • Welcome to Friday - the best day of the week!
  • Fantastically Foolish Friday Follies
    Nothing new going on, though I'm a little (a lot?) cranky today. Been the only one in my team for almost a week now and the "doing the job of 3 people" is starting to get to me. Especially since I have NO idea when to expect either of them to be able to do any sort of real work -- one of them is tied up on another project which just got postponed. Again. The other one is out on vacation who seems to keep extending it day-by-day. It's hard for me to be able to motivate myself that there's only "X days left" when there's no end in sight. *sighs* I guess I just have to suck it up and stop whining.

    Got a few pieces of gyproc up, but the guy helping me with that work couldn't stay very long last night. Only worked for about an hour - and that's fine with me. I wasn't really in the mood to be doing physical labor after my day job last night. (See above: CRANKY)

    Well, at least I got the thread created properly today.

    Weight is continuing to hold at about a pound above my ticker weight. I can't say that I'm shocked -- my eating habits have been awful. The DW is working more hours these days (retail business always picks up this time of the year) which means we're always looking for "quick and easy" solutions. So a lot of processed, canned and frozen food these days.... I'm setting my goal on starting to track calories again on Monday. That really keeps me honest when I can see the numbers in front of me.

    Here's another tip from the dietitian the other day: Try to include about a shot glass of nuts in your diet, at least every second day. They are very high in calories, but the health benefits of eating (for example) almonds makes it worth while to incorporate a small amount into your daily diet.

    Holy - I think we'd LOVE to see the dresses! Post the pics, my dear... As to your Photobucket question, I think there's instructions on how to include the link to your picture on the Photobucket site -- look for something you can copy and paste that looks like [ IMG ]http://www.moo.com/pic.jpg[ /IMG ] or something.

    JennyMarie - I think I'm going to have to go looking for a few soup recipes and then do exactly what you're saying. (Though as much as I like to tell people, like Christi, about "plan, plan, plan" I'm someone who should practice what he preaches more often. )

    Speaking of vegetables - does anyone out there use a "salad spinner"? You know, the whirly thing that's supposed to dry leafy veggies after they've been washed? I've never had one but see them used on the Food Network a lot...

    Christi - It's that time of year to be going non-stop, especially when you've got little ones. Just do your best not to go totally crazy and - if you just can't handle things right now - pick up the pieces in January and start again. As for my painting stuff - well, I think we'll wait until the new year. I think you've got enough stuff on your plate at the moment. (That'll also give me time to figure out what I want...)

    Darcy - Aw shucks. I don't think these posts are anything special. I just write whatever's on my mind and try not to be late for work in the process. As for the home improvements - I don't think it matters how old the house it, you'll always have forgotten something (oh yeah, I was supposed to buy that 20' of wire yesterday...) and always, always, always will have the next 20 projects lined up. I think the DW and I will end up shovelling more money into this home than we did to buy it. However, all that said, a 100+ year old house will have it's own challenges over a 15 year old one....but I bet yours was built with better materials.

    Lauren - Thanks for help with the boo-boo yesterday. Sorry to hear about your Temp Job. It always sucks when you're "not recognized" for all that hard work you put in. But just think - everything happens for a reason. The next job will be that much better and you've got a fab work reference to tag onto your resume now. So chin up and be proud of the work you did.

    Michelle - Sorry you had such a rough day. We're always here if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to yell at. Our collective shoulders are broad. We can take it.

    Just looked outside at the morning horizon. Red sky ...hmm....that doesn't bode well. "Red sky in the morning, Sailors take warning." Suppose that means there's another storm brewing someplace. Either that or it's just another old wive's tale. Would be nice to have a couple days of sunshine, though.

    Anyhoo...time to get ready for work. Have a great day people. Stay strong and stay on prgram.


  • Morning! SO glad it is Friday, but sure could use some sunshine in my life right now! It has been raining here for far too long and it is getting downright depressing and it is got me in quite a mood.
    My lil' guy came home early from school yesterday with viral bronchitis, I did not know that there was a virus for that, I thought that bronchitis was a bacterial thing!?! Anyway, they did a nebulizer treatment in the school's health center and sent him home with script for an inhaler (all very new to me)! I usually I prefer to take him to his pediatrician if he is sick, I just feel more comfortable with his Dr. seeing him, but it did make life a little easier having him seen there this time. DH's truck needs a little work, which he cannot get to until this weekend, so he has my car and I had to borrow his dad's truck to go to school. I would not want to have to borrow his vehicle to drive 45 min to Dr's office too.
    Anyway, so that was yesterday's insanity in a nut shell.

    Lawrence~sorry to hear about work related stress, hope it is not too long before you have your team back in place. On the quick meal issue, I have never tried it myself...always want to, but do not know where to start...It seems like so many people do alot of meal prep on the weekends and have a way for it to keep through out the week. This is what I seriously need to find out how to do, healthy meals that I can just heat up quickly and go! that is going to be my mission, well as soon as I can find time to do it!

    Lauren~Glad to hear Robby is better, it is so heartbreaking to have a sick lil' guy just lying there looking pitiful. Poor Alex just had no color in his face at all last night, but thankfully he looked alot better this morning.

    Michelle~No prenatal care in 4 1/2 mos? I guess that she doesn't realize just how important that care is, I hope that you can convince her to get in somewhere now. good luck!

    Stevi~SO glad to hear that the car is fixed and that it was nothing serious, we are still dealing with our issue.....

    Well, gotta run and get my sluggish, depressed butt moving! They keep saying that this rain is going to stop, but it hasn't yet and I am not banking on what the weather guy says anymore! Maybe I should look into one of those lamps that is supposed to work like real sunlight....maybe that would help me snap out of this mood!!
    Hope you have a great day!
  • My honeybunch of a dog had a seizure this morning. I'll try to post again later....
  • I'm doin' the Happy Friday Dance...
    Morning, troops! I'm smiling this morning!! I FINALLY have a completely healthy family today! No one is sick and throwing up.....Yay me!

    Sorry I've been so absent lately on the thread. Life has been really crazy and, quite frankly, weird. Oh well..I'll suck it up (just like Lawrence!) and move on.

    Lawrence ~ Sorry 'bout the job thingy. That sux. Hopefully someone "with a door" is noticing all your extra effort. The almond/nut suggestion is a great one! I try to eat about 24 almonds about 3xs a week. It really helps fill me up between meals.

    Holy ~ So sorry to hear about honeybunch doggie. You hang in there sweetie! Many hugs to you (and honeybunch)

    Nail ~ Isn't it amazing how "too much" rain can really zap your energy and mood? It's a proven fact that sun rays have vitamins we need...maybe that's why I LOVE summer?!?!? Sorry your baby's sick....hugs hugs hugs

    Lauren ~ Sorry 'bout the temp job...hope something comes up quick. Just make sure to not "burn any bridges" you may need them at a later date.

    Goddess ~ Grandma?!?!? Wow...I had to go back and read all the posts to get caught up. I'm sure you and DH are completely shocked, but it's good that you're being so supportive. [by the way, you'll make a GREAT and SEXY grandma!!!! )

    Started working with a nutritionist and a personal trainer and I can already see results. Last night we were on the treadmill for over an hour. Whew! But I made it through and actually could have gone on longer... Feel better and--whether it's in my head or not--I swear my clothes are already loser. Bring on the Holidays!! I'm ready!!!

    Tremendous hugs to all...............

  • sorry the photos were huge. i didn't mean for them to be

    most recent is the blue dress at the bottom.
  • Wow, Holy, those dresses are beautiful! BTW, you just look like you're soo much fun to hang out with...a barrel of energy!

    Mornin' everyone else. I'm having another emotional day, I'll try to check back later.
  • Ok, to day is the day. the program is to night. It will all be over soon. Well, tomorrow, at 2:00 we'll be having all the teens over here for a bond fire, and football, basket ball and all that. This is all new to me, so it should be exciting...

    I think that my 5lb increase is TOM fautl. Well some of it anyway. We'll see next week....

    Lawrence: Sorry things are rotten at work. My busy week will be over tomorrow! So when every your ready, and the end of the year will be fine

    Darcy: big hug for your little guy. I had that before my self and it sucks...

    Holy: You made those dresses?! WOW. You could be rolling it it. Great job!!
  • Morning everyone
    Well she did get the medical insurance yesterday and will be secudling an appt today THANK GOD I'll post a pic of her later
    thanks to everyone for your support through this you guys have been great

    HOLY~~ good gawd you have talent i wish i had even a 1/3 of what you guys do your sooo pretty by the way

    fit Love your post thats one thing i'll have over all other grand ma's healthy and HOT LOL

    I'll check in later with a pic of my daughter
    Take care
    BTW holy is your dog ok?
  • RX~~ by the way i took your advice and moved my tracker after wieghing in this morning i knew it was gonna be all bad BUT i am going to get back on the wagon
    Thanks for the advice it's all i thought about since you told me too
  • SORRY im just a postin whore today LOL
    Here she is Unknown how far along (she's the one standing up)

  • Hello! Alex is feeling some better this afternoon, so I am thankful for that. Usually we do not let them play their PS2 until after 6pm, but today, in his most pitiful voice he asked if they could play video games since he cannot run and play without coughing. It was just so pitiful and adorable, so I told him that this one time I would let it slide since he was not feeling well. What they seem to have forgotten was the 2nd part of that rule and that is no PS2 until after 6pm, unless it is raining, then we will discuss whether or not they can play it and it IS still raining here, I knew that weatherman would be wrong!

    Fit~I am SO glad to see that you are back to your energetic self!

    Holy~Beautiful job on the dresses, you have quite a talent! You are a very beautiful gal too! Hope your dog is doing OK!

    Christie~Good Luck tonight! Just enjoy yourself, you'll be Great!!

    Well, gotta run, much to do...
  • Holy you look awesome! Keep up the good work!!!
  • thanx everyone Captain's doing fine, I was a wreck all day thinking about him though. The vet said that goldens are prone to seizures and that unless he was having them frequently there's not much i can do for him. He's not in pain when it happens, i think it hurts me more than him. he sure did miss mama today though. When i saw it happen for the first time, i had taken him to a specialist for his shoulder dysplagia. the specialist had the audacity to tell me that if i didn't want those kinds of problems I should've gotten a puppy. Mind you, he was a rescue dog....waited 4 months for someone to walk in and take him home. I was severly ticked off. i called his regular vet and boy was he ticked off too. but this was all in march, and this is the 4th one he's had since then. I was expecting one when daddy gets home but not any time sooner LOL

    thanks for the comps on the dresses I am doing one in "moonrock" this year. I'll post as soon as it's done I am a regular grouchy bear but I do like goin to dance and hang out with friends