Man Alive! I CAN'T get enough water!

  • I posted a follow up about my abdominal cramps. This Bentyl was worked wonders but I'M SO BLASTED THIRSTY!

    I've been on it a week now. I think I'll cut the dosage in half and see if they stay away and my thirst gets back into a normal range. (Normal for me is over 70 oz/day). This thirst is waking me at night. Between that and the constant runs to the bathroom, it's a wonder I get any sleep at all.

    Anyone else ever had this problem?
  • Have you called your doctor about this?
  • No. The information with the med says it can cause dry mouth. They didn't lie. gulp gulp
  • Oh, that's different from being thirsty. Your salivary glands aren't working correctly. Try adding a few drops of plain lemon juice to your water- for a few days, it will fool your salivary glands into working overtime.

  • I never knew that!
    Quote: Oh, that's different from being thirsty. Your salivary glands aren't working correctly. Try adding a few drops of plain lemon juice to your water- for a few days, it will fool your salivary glands into working overtime.

    Thanks. I never put that together. I just know that I can't get enough water. What you said makes perfect sense. However, I hate lemon water. I may have to go out and get some sugar-free lemon drops.

    Thanks again.