New To Diet & New To Forum

  • Hi everyone! How is everyone doing on this diet? I am so excited, and a little scared, to start the Fat Smash Diet. This is my first day and I know it is going to be tough. I have tried starting this diet a couple of times before but fell off in the middle of the day because I wasn't prepared. This time, though, I'm sticking to it. I have all my food prepared and portioned into bags. As a mom of 3 kids, ages 11, 4, & 10 months plus a full time college student, I need convience.

    I'm curious, is everyone having great success on this diet? I'm hoping to drop, at least, 20 lbs by Christmas. I don't want to look like Porky Pig in our Christmas pictures this year.

    Anyhow, I'm really excited to have found this forum and other people I can talk to about this diet and lossing weight. I hope to make some new friends here also. Have a great day and I look forward to meeting you.

  • 10 days in
    Hi shannon

    I actually just finished phase I , today i weighed myself and i have lost 7 lbs
    wow do you have your hands full

    good luck ... have a great weekend
  • Hey Shannon,

    I just cheated and weighed myself, I am on day 7 of phase I and I lost 10 pounds so far, but it is also that TOM so l'm Sure I lost a little more.. YEY!.. Welcome It is great to have you with us.
  • Oh my gosh 10 lbs by day 7! Thats fantastic. If I could lose that much in Phase I, I'll be half way to my Christmas goal. Thanks for the support. Keep up your great work.
  • You Can Do It..
    Trust me you can do it.. the hardest part is getting started.. Phase I isnt so tough, you just have to really want it.. and believe me, I WANTED IT.. lol.. I am very excited.. Only 40 pounds left.. =)
  • Welcome Shannon! Sounds like you are off to a fantastic start. I have to have everything in the house and if I don't, I stop and pick it up on the way home. I know if I get home and tempting foods are the only things around, I will eat them. I am loving snacking on soy nuts (I just discovered them last week) and also I found soy crisps which are like chips made w/ all soy, baked & not fried. I only limit myself to 8 of them at any one sitting (or I might eat the whole bag) but they satisfy my urge to have potato chips. Keep preparing things ahead. At night I cut up and boil my apple (to add to my oatmeal in the morning) or I squeeze my fresh oj & slice up my fruit for a smoothie. I also try to go ahead and prepare my food for work the next day. I find anything that saves me 5 minutes in the morning is a big help. Best of luck to you! Lem