Interested vs. Committed

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  • This is an excerpt from Linda Spangle's book 100 Days to Weight Loss. I think this might have been mentioned here before, but it bears repeating.

    People who are interested in losing weight:
    1. Stick with it until something better comes along
    2. Take action only if they “feel like” doing it
    3. Need to see results in order to stay motivated
    4. Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
    5. Easily give up whjen the face challenges.

    People who are committed to losing weight:
    1. STick with their plans no matter what
    2. Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
    3. Assume that if they stay motivated results will follow
    4. Take responsibility for their own actions
    5. Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks
  • Wow! That sure says a lot. Thanks!
  • so how do i get motivated rather than interested??
  • Quote: This is an excerpt from Linda Spangle's book 100 Days to Weight Loss. I think this might have been mentioned here before, but it bears repeating.

    People who are interested in losing weight:
    1. Stick with it until something better comes along
    2. Take action only if they “feel like” doing it
    3. Need to see results in order to stay motivated
    4. Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
    5. Easily give up whjen the face challenges.

    People who are committed to losing weight:
    1. STick with their plans no matter what
    2. Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
    3. Assume that if they stay motivated results will follow
    4. Take responsibility for their own actions
    5. Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks

    LOL..I'm all of this!! So I guess I'm interested in commitment
  • That couldn't be more correct. You could also say that's the difference between "trying to lose weight" and "losing weight."
  • Quote: so how do i get motivated rather than interested??
    It's not motivated, it's committed....

    And I guess commitment takes a decision...
  • Quote: It's not motivated, it's committed....

    And I guess commitment takes a decision...
    I agree, it takes a decision that you will continue this no matter what, knowing that you can't quit even if the scale doesn't validate what you're doing quickly enough. You have to decide that you are going to do it. Like Harpo said there is no "trying to lose weight" you have to decide to "do it". I think that when I say it (losing weight) "clicked" for me, this expands what that means to me.

    And Jen, I think it definitely bears repeating....
  • I'm going through the book's lesson each day, and this really shouted out to me. I've just been playing around at losing weight and not really giving it a true effort. Based on what I read in the book, I am only "interested".

    Now it's for me to get off my rear and get COMMITTED.

    My partner told me this once in reference to this topic:

    "In a typical egg and bacon breakfast you can tell who sacrificed the most....the chicken was interested--the pig was committed..."
  • Jen - That is a great list. Thanks for sharing!

    Also, I have been meaning to tell you how cute your new avatar pic is.
  • Thanks Nancy! I was a Playboy Bunny for Halloween this year! I also was wearing high black pumps and fishnet hose with a seam up the back! I tried to get my partner to go as Hugh Hefner, but he would rather have been a ghoul with a black cape instead....oh well!
  • Quote:
    "In a typical egg and bacon breakfast you can tell who sacrificed the most....the chicken was interested--the pig was committed..."
    Bwah! Also reminds me of last nights Grey's Anatomy. "George, did you just call me a pig?" "Yes, but now I'm the pig!" ... Or something like that. Whatever, it was funny.
  • Wow this is so true! I have learned that the only way to success in anything... but especially weight loss... is choosing to do things that you don't want to do. Choosing to eat the healthy meal over the unhealthy. Choosing to exercise instead of sit on the couch watching tv. Choosing to prepare a meal at home instead of ordering take out. Choosing to measure food instead of guessing portions. Choosing to track and record calories consumed instead of ignoring the numbers. Choosing to drink water instead of soda. Choosing to go the extra lap, mile, pound, or minute instead of cutting exercise short. Choosing to stay with the program even when the scale doesn't budge. And on and on. The good news is that eventually all of these hard choices become a new routine... a new way of living... a new you!
  • I really like the interested vs committed comparison!

    I've probably talked with several hundred women at my gym who joined for the purposes of losing weight. And it's funny, but it's gotten so I can tell from the words they use to describe weight loss whether they're 'interested' or 'committed'.

    Interested in losing weight: 'I need to lose weight', 'I should lose weight', 'my husband/doctor tells me to lose weight', I 'have to' lose 20 pounds.

    Committed to losing weight: 'I WANT to lose this weight'

    Do you see the difference between the 'should/have to/need to' versus 'wanting' to lose weight?

    We all know that weight loss is a long and tough road to travel, right? It can't be something that you know you should do (but don't really want to). Nope, you've got to want it so much that it hurts and be totally committed to the process. It needs to come from deep inside you and not be imposed by anyone or anything outside of you.

    I sit across the desk and listen to the stories and can tell who's only interested and is going to give up after two or three weeks. But I also can see the fire in the truly committed.
  • Great list! I realized a while ago, that I had COMMITTED to this process... committed to conscious control of what I eat (I even put it in my signature).

    I know she discusses motivation in that list, but so far in my experience at least, my motivation ebbs and flows, but if my commitment is there, I'm okay!

    Meg, that's really interesting about the women at the gym...
  • yep
    So true. For me it was "interested" - I need to go workout BUT the laundry needs folding... Now this is me "COMMITTED" - I need to do laundry & dishes but I will get to them AFTER I run/workout. Besides, I'll have more energy that way!

    GREAT thread!!!!

    carafre (& committed!!)