Stayed within my WW points, but didn't feel good...

  • An interesting thing happened the other night. My husband and I had an argument that was upsetting to me, and I found myself right in the kitchen (just like old times). The thing that I found interesting is that I ate, and ate and ate, but made it a point to stay within my weight watchers points. So I didn't go off my plan, but I actually felt awful and really uncomfortable eating in that fashion. I think it's a good thing that I realize this. So much of this process for me is getting healthy with my entire relationship with food. Thanks for reading!
  • Laura - thats great you stayed within your points, it's interesting that what we used to do just doesn't feel right anymore.. things are changing! I know when I get really upset now I just can't eat until its resolved, and I've had to start really talking about whats bothering me. Who knew that could work.. I thought chocolate chip cookies were the only thing that used to help

  • Aimee,
    It's so true that what was once my first line of defense from anything emotional now is not effective at all! I actually felt worse after I had my binge. It just doesn't work anymore and I'm so thankful for that. There was a time, a long time when food served such profound purpose in my life. I'm now really trying to put it in a place that holds much less significance. It's also amazing to really acknowledge how very much I used to eat. I'm doing the WW points and sometimes I recall old "snacks" being half of what my total point allotment is for the day!
  • Laura - when I was reading the bags of chips the other night at work, and they had like 30 grams of fat in them! Thats OVER half of what I'm aiming for in a day.. SO insane! I hope as I get stronger and stronger that food won't hold such a grasp on me, because I have to admit sometimes a full fat latte and cinamon bun are what I REALLY want for breakfast instead of oatmeal! heh..
