Weight creeping up vvveeerrrrryyyyy slowly - rant

  • Hi all, I don't post often but do read often to get great maintenance ideas (lost the weight before I found this site!)

    My weight is catching back up with me. I dropped from size 8 to size 2 a year ago (yes, I'm short and small-boned). I was feeling great, until I realized that over the past 3 months I've creeped up to a size 4.

    I know that's still pretty darn small, but as I said, I'm small-boned and at size 4 have a poochy tummy. And even an embarrassing case of muffin top.

    The thing that bugs me most is that the weight crept up at all and it was so slow over the course of 3 months that I didn't even realize it. I've been working and traveling a LOT and experienced the deadly combination of hotel food and limited exercise. I don't weigh myself too often because of previous issues with obsessive weighing (it was ugly...). I've been judging my weight by clothing size.

    I guess I don't really have a question, I just could use some support in getting back on the bandwagon. And confirmation that, just because I've gained back a little, I'm not all the way at the beginning again. I can do this.
  • Yes, you can! You have already started down the right path by recognizing the problem before it got out of hand.

    Good luck!
  • It is great that you caught it now, before going up anymore. You can take it off again, just do whatever you did to lose it. I only weigh once a week, because I get too obsessed with the scale. Will be strongly motivated with a loss and feel lousy with any gain and willing to quit trying. Mainly I go by my clothes size. If my smallest size 4's fit comfortably then I know I am doing OK. If these are tight, I know to buckle down and get more exercise and count every bite.
  • Skinny Minny,

    I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that nearly everyone reading or posting on this site has experienced losing weight then going through a small regain. A small regain, like yours, is just a wonderful motivator. It reminds us why we work so hard for this; it shows us the direction we don't want to go; it refreshes our resolve. Without weighing yourself, the only way to really check yourself is the fit of your clothes. That is what you have done... the fit is not what you want so you are taking action. You are RIGHT ON! Now you just have to commit to buckling down and making sure you are doing what you need to do to fit back in your size 2 clothes. You can do this! In fact, you can do it by the end of the year, which means you don't have to deal with it as a New Year's Resolution! How nice!

    If the way you originally lost the weight feels old and stale, don't be afraid to try something new... either in food or exercise. You may like the season ahead even more than where you were because of positive changes you make starting today!

    Best wishes!