weeekly weigh-in

  • hey ladies,
    i'm down a pound this week.
    The ticket this week is to plan my meals....I did not plan well, and the halloween candy got in the way. I'm pretty sure that icy chocolate squares aren't a whole food.
    have a great week!
  • Ugh. I'm up a few pounds this week. Had some (okay, not some - a LOT of) carrot cake this weekend...and pizza last night. Plus, am not drinking enough water so my body is retaining what its got.

    Up about 4 pounds - increased water and less carrot cake should help me knowck those back out by next week!
  • Allison...I hear ya about the pizza. Who the **** invented that stuff anyway!
    I had it twice this week. The plan this weekend is to make a few homemade pizzas with whole wheat crust and healthy toppings to freeze so I don't order when I get a craving. You and I will have a fabulous week and even surprise ourselves at the next weigh-in!

    I've been up for 7.5 hours, am surrounded by chocolate, and haven't eaten any,,,,yay me!!!

    How's everyone else doing this fine day after haloween?
  • This morning it was 143.2. I can't remember what it was last week but I doubt there's much difference.
  • I lost two pounds the last two weeks (bi-monthly weigh-in on the official scale), but I've been too busy to figure out how to move my ticker.

    Maybe tomorrow.

    Gotta go.
  • I've backslid (?) on the whole foods. Convenience foods have been my friend. However, I did make a big pot of bean soup the other day. That counts.

    I didn't lose anything this week, but I sort of expected that. I haven't been pristine in my eating and this is generally not a losing week of the month for me. I'm finding I only have two of those.