LAWL Losers and Friends - November 2006

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  • Good News
    Good afternoon ladies!

    It's been a couple of days since I posted and I must admit.. I MISS YOU GUYS!

    The GREAT news of the day is I am down over 4lbs this week!:whoohoo:
    I was up 2 lbs on Monday, which I am attributing to water retention, down over a lb on Wednesday and then down again today! I have really been concentrating on weighing and measuring everything, which is so much harder than I thought it would be! Tonight I am trying Deb's Chicken Chimichanga dish and can't wait.

    Speaking of Deb...You look mahhhhhhhhhhhhhvelous darling. Congratulations on the WL and thank you for posting your journey. Your story/pics really inspire me and help me to stay on course.

    Cassie - Today when I was at the COD they had an advertisement posted for a personal chef!!! Apparently there is a lady who belongs to our COD that loves to cook and will come to your house and prepare LAWL dishes for the week!!! I have her number and am going to call on Monday to see how much she charges. With my hectic schedule I would LOVE to have someone prepare my dinners. As soon as I saw her card I thought about you!!! Might be a good start to your new career!!! You'd be so AWESOME at it!!

    Ulanda- You and your daughter are beautiful! Your smile is gorgeous!

    Nicole - I love your posts! You are so honest and true to yourself - your friendship is a gift to this group. Congratulations on your WL

    Kim - The sunroof story was too funny, although I am sure you were not laughing at the time. I just bought a new car too and it actually has a heated steering wheel. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice - I don't think I will ever want to get out of my car in the winter. My butt and hands will be toasty!!!!

    Leann- Way to hang in there! I am glad you are still coming to the board - that's what we are here for. If you need to talk please feel free to PM me. I will be happy to give you my cell. Sometimes it helps to talk it out with a friend, ya know?

    Pearl - I wish I could bottle up your attitude! You have such a sunny disposition and always seem so cheery. I have been on boards in the past that seem to be full of negativity and I never felt like posting. This group really is a GREAT group of women and I actually want to post and be part of the group.

    As for the "book club" Let's do it! I think we can order the book via Amazon or for less than the store value. What do you guys think?

    Hugs to all!
  • Nicole--I taught high school english for 5 years in Arizona before moving back to Texas. I am currently (UGH) an aide in ISS & PE--this is a small college town so I never dreamed I'd have to "pay my dues" before getting on as a teacher. I am confident I will get on with the school where I am right now. It's Intermediate (5-6) and I never thought I'd go so low but I really enjoy them more than I thought I would. High schoolers are fun but boy things are changing and I don't deal well with much change. The lack of discipline and authority really made me rethink the age group I want to work with.

    Okay--I went in and not surprisingly WI @ 163. Thought it would be worse since I've been that all week (first thing and naked!). This AM at home I was 162, so I knew with clothes and breakfast I would be more. Regardless, I am back in the game.
  • Debbie--thanks for the encouragement--I'm gonna need it in order to get back in gear.

    PS--I picked up the book today at Target. Went to Walmart first and they were out--I asked and the guy was like "uh, what's the deal? everyone is asking for it today" I guess everyone watches Oprah!

    Off to do housework--I am embarrassed at how dirty my house is right now--ugh. DH was fabulous and did ALL the floors while I was running errands--takes a lot of the work off me. I'll owe him!
  • I just want to say how cute you girlies are! I LOVE coming here and reading, it always brightens my day!

    I tried the Shirataki noodles tonight in a Tuna Noodle cassarole I stole from the Hungry-girl website. They were pretty good. I mean, there's a definite texture difference between them and real noodles, but they could be doctored up to be pretty tasty. The tuna noodle cassarole was not as tasty as I wanted it to be...kinda bland, but then I guess I'm not a huge tuna cassarole fan. It just sounded good at the time.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • LeaAnn - Congrats on going in to your COD. I think you did a good job maintaining. I'll march in tomorrow - I promise! (it's been over a week since I went in).

    Megan - I tried to get some Shirataki noodles last week at the new TJoes that opened here, but they were sold out. Someday I'll try those things (I love tuna casserole!).

    Nashville Debbie - 4 lb loss!! Congrats. I know what you mean about weighing and measuring - it really is a necessity and I need to start doing it more. It's not like I don't have about 20 measuring cups and spoons and two scales; it's just I get lazy. Shame on me. As far as the book club, I'm not really quite sure how to do this online. At Madeline's suggestion, I checked out the main site at 3FC and a group of ladies are reading a book (they do NOT want to read weight loss related books because they want to take their minds off thinking about weight loss!) They plan to discuss the first 100 pages of the book they are reading in mid-November. I'll probably lurk on the posts to see how they handle it and from there, perhaps we can ponder our own LAWL book club thread. Due to the holidays and general busy-ness, probably won't get this going until after the new year.

    Michelle - WELCOME! This is a great group of ladies. The board is a bit quiet on the weekends, but picks up during the week. Glad you found us and congrats on your first week and losses.

    Martha - good luck with TO and your next weigh in. Look at the bright side - when you do TO there isn't a whole lot of planning or thinking involved. Your day is pretty much laid out for you. I need to go find some juice and do TO myself! I'll see what the COD scale says tomorrow and take it from there. As far as Slim in Six - I think LeaAnn has done them; I have not; if you search, there are a number of threads on the 3FC site that talk about Slim in 6. some folks love them; some folks didn't like the music; someone suggested buying them off eBay, etc; someone actually gained weight but lost fat when she did the program. As far as exercise, the key thing is to find something you can incorporate into your lifestyle and that you enjoy. I have a gym membership and the gym is only a few miles from my house. I take a couple classes in the evening that are tough, but good; I have a treadmill at home that I use a few days a week in the morning. I like to tape evening shows - like Biggest Loser, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives - and watch them while I'm on the treadmill. I can usually do 3 miles while watching a taped, hourlong show (I fast forward through the commercials). We all know that we need to incorporate exercise into our lives; start slow if you have to, but definitely do something.

    DH and I have a relaxing day planned. We're going to look at some dining room furniture and later I want him to watch the Dr. Oz show I taped last Friday night....did anyone watch it?
  • Good morning ladies!

    Just thought I'd stop in for a minute or two before getting ready to go out and do my grocery shopping and such for the first half of the week. Went online to check out the flyers for the different stores so I would know who had what on sale this week. Not a lot new here. Not working today which is the first day in over 15 for me but I chose to do the OT and I will enjoy the paycheck when it comes in a couple of weeks!!!

    I am looking forward to trying some of the recipes listed on this site while I am off this week and next. Maybe get a little variety going. I need to figure out some different things for my lunches at work because salad and sandwiches get a little boring after awhile. I take leftovers from dinner when I can but if I am on a later shift then DH tends not to make full meals, just enough to tide him over. But thank god the later shift is over for me now until at least January. I am earlier this month and then have the early shift next month. The joys of working in a contact center!!! I am not on the phones all the time (yet) but I still have the monthly shift change to deal with. I will be going back on the phone sometime in January or Feb as far as I know because our positions for accounts adjustments are being moved to Manila, so maybe I'll be looking for a new job amidst all of this too as I really don't want to go back to that again if I don't have to.

    Well, I guess this went on longer than expected. Gotta go for a bit!!

  • Slim in 6
    I have the Slim in 6 and the Power90 and like them both--personally I prefer the power90 best but it's all preference. Check out Hastings or Blockbuster to rent exercise videos and see if you can find one you like.

    Joni--I taped it but haven't watched it. I did not want to drag my butt back in but I did. Blew it with some trail mix but better than usual. Geez, it's hard being 100%!!
  • Lee, are brave. If I had decided to do teaching, that most likely would have been my niche....although I REALLY comtemplated middle school because I really wanted to teach first year Algebra. Only becuase I had an excellent Algebra teacher in 7th grade, and I really believe he made all the difference in my Math abilities. Anyway, I am really glad you pushed through and went to your COD. It will only be hard for the first few days........

    Debbie.......YOU my dear, are very very sweet!!! Congrats on losing 4 lbs. That is wonderful......I really and truly know just how you feel

    I only have a sec, so I can't say everything I want to say to everyone......but congrats to everyone who worked hard this last week. Best of luck to you this week. I am going to finally shower and get dressed so I can take a run to Trader Joes and see about the famous noodles
  • Happy Sunday Chickies:

    How is everyone? I am great! They moved my father out of ICU, so that in itself was a blessing to me.

    This weekend has been very special. As I told you all on Friday I turned 37. My husband took Friday afternoon off and that was a lot of fun. Yesterday he took me and my oldest sister who I don't get to spend a lot of time with shopping. I purchased a new pair of black pants in smaller size, that was great! We had a ball. Lots of laughs. Most of my family live in another city about 50 minutes away. It's not that far, but we all have children and work so we don't see each other everyday like we used to. Today we are going to the movies to see Santa Claus 3. I know it's early, but it's out already.

    I am not worried about eating any popcorn or junk. I am starting my 21 day boost today with TO and so far so good. I will just take my Lite with me and that will be my treat.

    I hope that you all enjoy what's left of the weekend.
  • Well, DH and I just watched the Discovery Oz show: You on a Diet. I think the best part to me was when he showed the enlarged heart and compared the healthy artery to the unhealthy one. I also probably need to literally toss out the unhealthy stuff from my kitchen. I know the five bad things are:
    *hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils
    *high fructose corn syrup
    *enriched flour
    *white foods -- bleached flour

    Am I correct that if any of the five items above are ANYWHERE in the list of ingredients, they should be tossed out OR do the items needs to be one of the first five ingredients.

    I really am going to do this and I'll drop off the stuff at our local food bank.
  • Joni--I watched it today too (actually while ON the treadmill which is a HUGE NSV for me!). I originally thought if it was in the first 5 but now I am confused. Hope someone clears this up. I was thrilled to see the okay on Cheerios since my girls live on it! This is a tape I will watch again and again. The heart was pretty gross.
  • Hey girlies.
    I haven't read any posts since Thursday.
    I've been really bad. REALLY BAD.
    It started with the concert Thursday night. Friday I was pretty good, but Satuurday and today, REALLY BAD.
    I don't know how to remotivate myself.
    ANy suggestions?
    Thanks in advance.
  • Has anyone asked their COD about the Campbell's low sodium soups (or Amy's Kitchen)? I had one the other day, and got a big ol' frowny face from the COD, but they aren't that much worse than the LA Lite soups. I know I heard some talk about these when I first started coming here. Anyone?

    Jenni-get your butt in gear, girl! You can do this! Look how far you've come already, and during emotionally difficult times too (meaning the breakup with ex-DF). There's no stopping now! You just have to decide to do it. And you CAN! I know it. Just hang in there.
  • Debbie - I'd be interested to know how much she is charging. I had actually thought of that myself. Let me know the details!

    Lea Ann - I'm still playing catch up on this thread, but I love the halloween pics of the girls!
  • Joni and Lee Ann.......a quote from Dr. Oz's book, page 48, "Get Over STicker Shock. You should read food lables as actively as you read the stock ticker or the horoscopes. Don't eat foods that have any on the following listed as one of the first five ingredients:
    --Simple sugars
    --Enriched, bleached, or refined flour (this means it's stripped of its nutrients)
    --HFCS (high-fructiose corn syrup--a four-letter word)."

    I have not seen much mention of the fats yet, but I am assuming you are supposed to avoid them at all costs. The little I learned about them in Biochemistry was very frightening. It's like they are little tiny cancer invitations. I am not trying to be a drama's not like they directly cause cancer........but they create free radicals which are dangerous to cells and can alter them. Altered cells can cause cancer........and, yada, yada, yada.

    Anyway..........I was pretty good over the weekend. I was not POP, but I didn't over do it or anything. When I checked my foods on fitday, my calorie intake was equal to or less then my usual, but I did kind of waiver off plan a bit, as far as food choices. I will go to COD tomorrow, and see if I screwed up too bad. I hope you all are having a great day