So...? How was your Oct. weightloss?

  • I am exactly the same as I was October 1. This month I have to get really serious!
    Post your November target loss in this thread and I'll consolidate into a sticky later.
  • My October weight loss was ok.... I lost then gained a lot taking weeks off when I wasn't supposed to.

    But no fear! I'm off to a great start for November still doing Phase 1 and I'm actually going to the gym!
  • I maintained.
  • I gained.
  • My goal was 4 lbs. and I lost. 4.2 lbs. I am thrilled as I was traveling the whole month and there were no opportunities to exercise. I am home now and am looking forward to getting back to my exercise routine. I also got over the 200 lb. hump I have not been this low in over four years and I think I stayed below the hump maybe one week back then.
    It feels so good not to see any 2's on the scale and I am determined to keep it that way
  • Well, I had 10 pounds as my goal and I only lost 4. I'm going to excersise more this month.
  • I lost 5 of the 8 I was attempting! Five is better that zero!! I'll take it!

    I'm shooting for eight again in Nov.
  • I gained.
  • I fell off the SB wagon at the beginning of the month and never got back on. I didn't gain anything but didn't lose. I'm back on PH1 today. Plus I'm going to start going to Curves this week! I have to try to exercise even though I have only slightly more energy than I started with.

    Wish me luck!
  • Just updated the sticky and lost it. Anybody else before I screw up again?