Secret crushes or maybe not so secret

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  • collin ferrell Oh and my newest is Ozzy off survivor, there is just something about him in a cute sort of way
  • Johnny Depp, Sean Penn, Benicio Del Toro... I like the bad boys!
  • I can't beileve that I am actually gonna admit this - Kenny Rogers. Oohhh lala!
  • I'm a hockey player fan ... Joe Sakic of Colorado and Doug Weight of St Louis.
  • Wow, there are some hotties on here! I had to do google searches on some of them.

    Mine are Johnny Depp and Vince Vaughn. And Johnny Cash, always.
  • Susan- Joe and his family are one of my "hockey" families (I work at an ice arena/athletic facility in denver). He is quite possibly the most kind and humble of all of my hockey parents. When we try to keep kids (and adults!) from hounding him while he watches his son skate, he is insistant on being gracious to everyone who approaches him. His first week he actually took the time to learn my name (and I don't remember telling him either!)

    I just can't say enough about him... and he's even better looking in person. Good choice!

    As for me, I was blown away when I saw Eddie Vedder a few months ago. I've never seen someone age so well. Grunge has been very good to him!
  • LOL.... David Beckham and Zinedine Zidane I have a thing for hot international soccer players!! MMMEEEEOOOOWW!
  • Christian Bale - hello Batman!

    Wentworth Miller (from Prison Break)
  • Quote: Christian Bale - hello Batman!

    Wentworth Miller (from Prison Break)
    Christian Bale! How could I leave him out???
  • I have quite a few, but mostly Gord Downie (lead singer of the Tragically Hip), Johnny Depp, Dave Navarro & Bono. And my boyfriend knows about them all. I also know his, and even tell him when Lauren Graham or Amanda Peet are on TV.
  • Mine current "crush" is Lukas Rossi the new lead singer from Rockstar Supernova. He is "sexy, dirty!!!" and his voice is mezmorizing.
  • I have a crush on Wil Farrel, and my family teases me about it. I won't tell you how many times I have watched Elf...or Old School,,,and even Bewitched.

    And this will sound crazy but there is a guy in a commerical that gets me every time. Right now its a truck commercial, but he did a commercial for phones with that Desperate Housewife...before DH.
  • Quote: I have a crush on Wil Farrel, and my family teases me about it. I won't tell you how many times I have watched Elf...or Old School,,,and even Bewitched.

    And this will sound crazy but there is a guy in a commerical that gets me every time. Right now its a truck commercial, but he did a commercial for phones with that Desperate Housewife...before DH.
    Howie Long?
  • Big tall guy? buzz cut greying hair? If so,,,then I know hissssssss
    I googled his name,,,and OH YAA thats him....
  • Taye Diggs, Vin Diesel, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Jeremy Renner