Where do I post? Which forum is for me?

  • Where do I post? Which forum is for me?

    We offer a lot of forums here at 3FC because support is so important, and we want to make sure you have the chance to surround yourself with people that understand what you are going through. You'll find a huge variety of forums - and people here. Where should you post? Many new members wonder just that. If you feel confused, we suggest that you browse the forums for a few days before posting. Or you can jump right in anywhere you want! You can post in as many forums as you feel comfortable with. We're all good friends here and every forum welcomes new members.

    Here are some tips to help you get started..

    Do you need to lose at least 100 pounds? Most of our members start out with at least 100 pounds to lose. We have a large and friendly forum called the 100 lb Club that knows how you feel. JacobsMommy is the moderator and is ready to welcome you and make you feel at home.

    Do you weigh more than 300 pounds? We have another forum of large and lovely ladies that can relate to your experiences and help encourage you to stay active and healthy. The 300+ Club's moderator is Thinthinker, and she's there to keep you on your toes as you lose weight!

    Maybe you feel a little out of place, because you only need to lose a few pounds? No worries, our newest forum is for FeatherWeights and can help motivate you to lose those 1 or 20 pounds whether they are you only concern or perhaps are just those last few stubborn pounds. Your needs may be different, so our FeatherWeights can flock together for that short burst over the finish line.

    You can post in any of our support groups or threads. You'll find groups of teachers, single chicks, International groups, and more. If you don't find a support group that fits you, start your own thread and invite others to join you!

    You've probably noticed that we have a LOT of diet specific forums. We include popular diets such as Weight Watchers, South Beach, Sonoma Diet, LA Weight Loss and more. You won't find forums for fad diets such as the cabbage soup diet, and you won't find support forums for diet pills and questionable supplements or MLM products. Our goal here is to lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise plan - not pills.

    Have you reached your goal? Join our Maintainers forum to help you keep it off! Studies have shown that you are more likely to keep the weight off if you stay active in a support group. Meg and Mel are our resident experts and are ready to keep you in line and in shape!

    We have many more forums, and many more forum moderators that are here to help you reach your goals. Please jump in anywhere that looks interesting to you. Move around and mingle with the rest of us until you feel comfortable. If you need advice in using the forum features, check out our Forum FAQ or post in our Help forum for advice or to test it out.

    Good luck!