Recipe for Positive Mental Health

  • I got this out of a woman's health book, and I thought it was worthy of sharing.

    A "Recipe" for Positive Mental Health

    Balance is a concept that can benefit every aspect of your life, especially your health. Work must be balanced with play...exercise with rest. On a nutritional level, balance means nourishing yourself with the right nutrients in the right amounts from a variety of foods to keep your body at its healthiest. When you apply the idea of balance consciously and deliberately as you go through each day, it help you face life's challenges with flexibility, energy, and optimism.

    Keep a list of positives in your journal or notebook and keep it with you throughout the day. Write yourself notes when you feel joy and positive emotions. When you achieve a goal and fell "on top of the world" write it down, so you can recall this emotion when you need to balance a "low self-esteem" moment.

    Take time throughout the day to "recharge" your emotional and physical batteries. As women, we often get so caught up in the business of the day that we forget to take time for ourselves. This may leave you feeling depleted and run down. Take a few moments out of your day to focus on you. It may feel like an indulgence, but it's not! It's as important to good health as eating a nutritious diet or getting a good night's sleep.

    Pearl's thought for the day - Each day, do something for yourself...from taking a warm bath to going for a walk with a friend...don't cancel this very important appointment! It doesn't need to take an hour...even a few minutes can be effective. The point is, schedule it and do it - EVERY DAY!!!
    Here are some suggestions (some are repeats!)
    1. Buy yourself some flowers.
    2. Buy a new cologne, bubble bath, body lotion, body spray, air freshioner, etc.
    3. Wear the GOOD cologne for YOU today!
    4. Use the item from #2 just because YOU like it!
    5. Get a new lip gloss or lip stick and apply it several times during the day!!! It will give you a lift!
    6. Buy a "not me" color of nail polish and do your toes!!!
    7. Wear that sexy camisol or teddy under your work clothes for YOU today! It will put a little spring in your step! (It doesn't hurt to let your DH know either!)
    8. Treat yourself to a new desk or home decoration for the season... (I put out a couple bales of hay, some pumpkins, a couple of scare crows, and some mums by the front porch where I can see them everytime I look out the door or as we come and go during the day...
    9. Wrap up in a cozy sweater/jacket and go to the park and swing on the swings!
    10. Get the family together and rake leaves... then when all the piles are done - run and jump in them! (You DO remember doing that as a kid, don't you?!?)
    11. Do something totally unexpected for someone else. You'll be amazed at how it makes you feel!
    12. Send a card to brighten someone else's day - and only sign it with a great memory you share together.
    13. Okay - I'm finished... This just brightened up MY day!!!
  • Thanks Pearl - as always you find and say the best things to keep us all in line and on top of our game. I can easily do some of the things you suggest and I will!!