Whole foods menu for Thurs 10/19

  • And I just finished today's, but I'm better planned for tomorrow!

    B-Cheerios, soy milk, banana, coffee w/ skim
    S-yogurt, green grapes
    L-Hearty Request Chicken soup, sweet potatoes, leftover ww stuffing, dk choc
    S-carrot, cauliflower, black olives, hummus (getting sick of this one!)
    D-stir fry w/ chicken breast, red & green bell pepper, onion, cashews, Szechuan sauce, and basmati rice

    That is about 1700 calories. I'm sure there will be a Kashi bar or two in there somewhere as well.

  • B-oatmeal, raisins
    L-some kind of healthy soup yet to be made, ww pretzels, cheese stick
    S-tlc bar, orange
    D-spinach salad, fish, stir fry veggies, brown rice
    S-dark chocolate and tea
  • B - Mahalo Mango smoothie ( papaya juice, mangos, pineapple sherbet, non-fat yogurt, ice, plus whey protein & supplements) & a 1oz. wheatgrass shot
    L- turkey & cranberries on whole wheat (mayo), carrots
    S- raisins and peanuts
    D- rosemary & garlic pork chop, olive oil, steamed green beans, wild rice
    S- green tea, low-fat yogurt with dried cranberries
  • Irish oats
    coffee w/ 1/2 and 1/2

    wasa multigrain crackers
    natural pb
    the beloved elderberry jelly

    2 % Fage yogurt (yes, I actually finally read the label of the full fat Fage...)
    wheat germ

    cheddar cheese

    the slightly odd but yummy soup I made last night...
    chicken broth
    small pumpkin, in chunks
    apple, diced
    onion, diced
    celery, diced
    pinch nutmeg, cinnamon, parsley, sage (next time, thyme instead, I think);
    a small bay leaf, for a short amount of time
    salt and pepper
    cooked until all soft, then blended with an immersion blender

    turkey meatballs--ground turkey, an egg white, salt, pepper, pinch coriander, pinch nutmeg, pinch ginger, pinch sage--sort of bratwurst-tasting, good with the pumpkin, actually...

    and then a handful of spinach thrown in at the last second. I don't like that it discolored the soup so dramatically--next time, green beans or peas.

    Have to check the calories, but I think I can have some chocolate tonight, or a glass of wine.
  • Joy of Six, are WW pretzels whole wheat? Where are you getting them/what brand? I've been looking all over, haven't found any yet, though I haven't been to whole foods in a while...
  • Yep, whole wheat. I don't have the bag so I'm not sure what brand. Dh got them quite awhile ago (that's why they are in tupperware) in a clearance cart at Kroger. Evidently they weren't a big seller. It has taken me forever to eat them as I only have 7 or 8 at a time. They are pretty dry, thus my saving them for soup. The kids, who he really bought them for, were unimpressed but I like the crunch.
  • B- Whole wheat blueberry muffin

    S-100 calorie baked cheeto (i know, not whole)
    S-Raspberries and plain FF yogurt

    D-Not totally sure, probably a sprouted pita pizza (1/2 sprouted pita, 1/4 cup tomato sauce, 1 ounce shredded cabot 50% ff cheese, pineapple, and cilantro)

    S- graham cracker with cheesecake creamcheese
  • Ok, I have some revisions, in the interest of keeping myself honest. I had a bad sugar craving cross a box of donuts at work, and ended up eating a couple. Mmmm, forbidden donut....

    I also switched out the chicken soup, stuffing and sweet potato for a turkey sandwich on 10 grain bread and a salad (decent meeting food, believe it or not), and then finished out the day with some popcorn.

    Tomorrow I'm off work, so I'm doing my best not to channel Homer Simpson. (Can't talk...eating...)

    I'm so envious of Alison's moment on her weird sugar thread. I've been waiting since 2002 for the junk food cravings to pass. For me, they just never do. I'll keep fighting the good fight.
