back to veggieville for this girl!

  • Hi everyone!
    I'm 26 and I am a small town girl turned city girl. I work in public relations.
    Over the past year, I've taken a complete nosedive from my former lifestyle of daily exercise and healthy eating. A vegetarian, I decided to turn to meat again. It seemed to open the flood gates and WOOSH! I convinced myself that every bit of junk food I ever loved (chocolate, ice cream and cookies.. oh my!) was OK to eat again as much as I wanted.
    I've found myself eating tons of junk food every day, watching hours of tv instead of heading to the gym and just feeling completely terrible.
    I'm tired of it! I'm ready to make a change. I've gone back to my vegetarian lifestyle and I'm ready to work off the extra pounds that all that junky food brought on.
    I'm so glad I found this place! I really think it will help in my quest to find the old ME! I'd love to hear from anyone who has had similar experiences
  • Ya know what is funny, I had the opposite experience. When I turned vegetarian, I gained weight! Suddenly I was a pasta addict and ate way too many sandwiches and foods with sauces. Lots of sauce.

    But I'm balancing out now and learning to eat more veggies and less grains.

    Welcome to 3FC!!!!