
  • Hi all! I just wanted to introduce myself....I'm trying to find motivation and weight loss help.. I stumbled onto this site in the past, but never joined...now I'm serious about losing this excess weight. My lowest was 118, but let's be realistic, that was before kids! I'll be happy just to be at a healthy weight again!
    I look forward to meeting you all....
  • Hi -

    Doesn't it feel good to get started?!?

    What's your plan? I'm going to try to do Weight Watchers points - 22 a day, run/walk 2-3 times a week, and do some weights. Also, gonna try to lay off the soft drinks and go easy on the sugar. How 'bout you?

  • HI Betsy! Sorry, I just got back on the computer today...yikes! I'm swimming in e-mails! My "plan' is to go slow...I'm watching what I eat better, cutting back on the soda (SUCH a weak spot for me) and exercising more...I'm making it a goal to walk 5 times a week, and then I'll add some weights/ resistance...I need to get used to exercising at all again. I used to be a workout junkie, but that was well before kids!