My first (inadvertant) 5 k!

  • I've really been working at running over the past few weeks, mostly doing walk/run intervals, and steadily increasing the amount of time I run and keeping the walk intervals at 1 min. So I headed out through the neighborhood tonight, and felt like I really pushed myself - came back feeling great. When I looked on the map to see how far I'd gone - I found out I ran 5 km! Granted, it took me 36 minutes, with 3 walk breaks, so I won't be winning medals anytime soon. Even so, it feels so good to know I can do that!
  • That is awesome!! You must feel great!
  • you are my hero! i want to be able to run that much!! congratulations! you earned it.
  • That's super! Great job!
  • 36 minutes for 3 miles sounds GREAT to me!! Great job!