Please help me decide???

  • I am going to buy a spinning bike for my home and have been deciding between two bikes.. .
    The one for $600 it's new was a demo and has a full warranty for 3 years. The other bike is $200 and has been used for about 5 years at the YMCA. The YMCA bike is a German made brand called Tomahawk, it is hard to find out much about the bike and I have no idea on how well the bike has been maintained and how much it has been used. The other will have a full warranty and was only used by one guy (the salesman) in his home to train for a triathlon last winter it normally sells for $1000. It’s kinda like buying a used car and the thing that scares me is that if I buy the $200 bike then a year down the road it breaks and I have to replace it, the $600 deal won’t be around anymore and then I will have to come up with $1000 for a new bike then I have just spent $1200 on bikes when I could have just spent $600 on the other one. I know there is something to be said about getting a great deal, but I’m not sure of what to do.

    What do you think?

  • If the $200 bike meets your needs - I'd say go for it. Have you test ridden it? Is it comfy? Does it have all the bells and whistles you want? The spin bikes I've used didn't have any electrical components - if there isn't electrical stuff it should be fairly easy to fix any part that breaks...