wish me luck! (new to SB)

  • I've looked around in here before and there used to be a pretty regular "Starting/Restarting P1" thread hanging out... perhaps that tradition was discontinued.... so I will be presumptuous and take a whole thread for myself

    So, I've finally decided to start P1 tomorrow. I read the SB book back in April, but I didn't start the plan because I figured moving, final exams, graduation, starting a new job, etc was a bad time to make a major lifestyle renovation -- well, maybe not a bad time, but a time I didn't think I could stick with anything that would make life more complicated. But here I am now, comfortably in my grad program.... ready to make a serious go at this weight loss thing. I've done WW and tried calorie counting, but I get stuck in binge cycles... triggered by carbs... Or I end up eating my 1500 calories of chocolate and feeling guilty/not eating for the rest of the day. So I need to take control -- be smart and simply remove my triggers. Which SB will help me do.

    As soon as I finish this post I'm off to the grocery store. I've been stalling going grocery shopping to make sure I have as little as possible in the cupboards when I start P1. I've been sifting through all the fabulous info on these boards about recipes and updated foods lists and all sorts of stuff. (Ruth -- you keep your little domain SO organized!) I've made myself a list..... checked it twice.... and have nothing non-P1 on it! I start first thing in the morning -- I'm starting on the weekend so that if I feel crappy the first few days of "withdrawl" I can curl up on the couch and read and not interact with anyone

    Okay ladies (er, any gents around this part of the boards? I'm usually around the 20-somethings where men are scarce ).... Off to the grocery store! I hope to get to know y'all over the course of this journey....

    See you tomorrow, on the Beach!
  • I just started today so it will be nice to have someone on close to the same day with me.

  • Hi Alantra! Whereabouts in Ontario are you? My fiance is in London and he said it snowed today.....!

    Okay old hands, this is my plan for tomorrow. Please let me know if I've got it straight -- it's hard work taking all those pesky bad carbs away!

    B: Coffee w/1% milk, 2 spinach and ff cheese quiche cups
    S: lf mozzarella string cheese
    L: Salad w/ ff cheese, hardboiled egg, ff turkey breast, sf dressing
    S: 1/2 c roasted chickpeas
    D: stuffed bell pepper w/x-lean ground turkey, zucchini, cauliflower, spices, ff cheese

    Does that sound right? I'm pretty sure it's all P1..... Please tell me if otherwise! Thanks!
  • , Britomart!

    It looks like you found the Phase 1 thread, so I'm going to leave this one open, assuming that others will use it to wish you welcome, not to dicuss Phase 1...that way this one is just about you (yay! ) and all the P1 discussion can take place in one thread so everyone can benefit (and find it easily).

    Glad to have you with us! You're doing great with the veggies! Keep it up and think about adding some veggies to your snacks, too. Keeps you full longer! Eating good carbs like tomatoes, bell peppers, and beans (like the roasted chick peas) will help ease any pain from P1 (headaches, tiredness, etc.).