It Is Not Possible!

  • I Was On Vaca This Weekend And Had Plenty Of Pizza Sat And Leftovers Sunday Then Monday Didn't Eat Healthy But Nothing Crazy Overboard.
    Anyway, On Friday I Weighed 155 Tues Morning After My 3 Days Off The Scale Says 162!!!!!! Holy Crap! What The ****. Has This Ever Happened To Anyone?
    I Put The Scale Away And And Have No Plans To Get On Unitl Nov1 When I Am Sopposed To Be At 150 By Then But Now I Am Discouraged.
    I Know I Didn't Gain 7 Pounds From 3 Days Of Eating Bad.
  • Is it possible that the scale was off?

  • Going off-plan often means higher salt intake which can make you bloat & add some weight. So although you probably did gain at least some of it could be water retention.
  • I gained 4lbs from 1 day of rubbish eating, so yes you can gain 7lbs from 3 days of rubbish eating. It's just not fat, that's all!

    Drink plenty of water, eat plenty of fruit, take a little stroll, it'll work out. I bet you can LOSE 7lbs in 3 days too!
  • This happened to me just a few weeks ago-
    I had been on plan for so long, and I always get monster cravings with TOM. I have had a lot of stress lately, and this time I gave in....REALLY gave in-like I ate everything I've been depriving myself of over the last months, cramming it all in over about 3 days. I gained 5 pounds and wanted to jump off a cliff-because it takes me about a month to lose that much.
    I went back on plan, and was back down to my pre pig out weight before the week was out, so take heart. I DID go crazy, and the damage wasn't that bad. I know it sucks to see the scale go up when you've been working so hard, but it really is just water retention. You have to eat 3500 calories more than you burn to gain one pound. Eating more salty or carbohydrate rich foods than your body is used to will make you retain like crazy-but the good part is that it disappears as fast as it came on. DO drink lots of water-it helps. The more water you drink, the less you retain because your body won't try to hang on to it.
  • I agree with the others. Try and drink alot of water and watch the ammount of salt you take in the next couple days. Im sure you will loose that weight in a few days. I highly doubt you gained that much weight in FAT.
  • Yep this has definitely happened to me. Drink tons of water and just get back on track.

    I gained 7 pounds over night after a night out drinking and eating. It came off in 2 days!
  • A couple of weeks ago, I had a binge with no-bake cookies. Ate 2 dozen of them in 2 days. I just couldn't stop myself. The scale went up 5 lbs. I drank a bunch of water, stuck to my eating plan and had lost 6 lbs. by the weeks end. So, it does happen but can be taken off quickly.
  • That happened to me this past week.. I was stuck between 205-208 for about a week, and then I went on vacation to my mother's house, and I ate horribly... came back and the scale said 210. I exercised well, watched what I ate really carefully, and drank plenty of water. By the next week the scale said 201.

    So the moral of this story is - it is possible to gain.. but a lot of it is probably water weight. So be extra careful this week, and it should all come off!
  • Enough said by everyone else. I too believe it's probably some water weight. Pizza is LOADED with sodium..