
  • I feel so guilty. I had a bit to drink on Friday night, which was fine (it doesn't take alot to get me pie eyed, so not many cals conusmed there!!)

    anyway yesterday I had the hangover from **** and i spent it eating rubbish. Macdonalds for lunch (which to be honest i've not had for months!) and then a bag of crisps and a pot noodle for tea! Not touched any rubbish like that for nearly a year...but today I'm covered in spots, I feel miserable and to top it all off since yesterday I've put on 7lbs!

    It's going to take me WEEKS to recover from this one. I'm an idiot.
  • Oh i hate that it takes 5 weeks to loose it and ONE DAY toput it on
  • Don't panic most of that will be water and will right itself over the next few days. Forget about it and carry on we have all done it myself included many times and I have lost over five stone. It was just one day and won't undo your good work that you have done and continue to do.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend

  • If I remember correctly (unlikely at my age) there are 3,500 cals in a pound of fat - so theres no way that you overate by 24,500 cals yesterday! I would think its fluid retention because of all the salt (loads of salt in what you ate) - just drink loads of water and flush it through. Might take a few days to get rid of it but I seriously doubt that it is proper lard.
  • You shouldn't of weighed yourself. I have no intention of getting weighed until this weekend is days away and forgotten about!

    Best thing to do with a hangover is just throw fruit and fruit juice down you until you crave fast food no more. That's what I'm doing right now.
  • Don't panic Rose and don't let it throw you off, as everyone has already said most of that will be water retention, no way you can put on 7lb in one day. If you have an off day just start from the next day again and don't berate yourself.