Dieting with Diabetes - October!

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  • Hi, all. We went from heatwave to chill and the heat's not on in our office. I'm having a real struggle to get back on track. Have put on weight and it feels uncomfortable. Too much stress. There is a woman at work who I think of as an enabler. She's always bringing treats. Today she left a chocolate ghost on my desk and put donut holes in the kitchen. Unfortunately I ate a few donut holes because I was hungry from getting up extra early. Well, Halloween is almost over and it's about six weeks until the Christmas temptations come along.
    Josian - you must be beside yourself with all the anticipation. I'm sure your wedding will be wonderful.
    Vikia - That was clever with the candy. We all need to outwit our weakness.
    Rosey - no more candy!!
    Monet - hand in there and the weight will go.
  • Hi everyone. Im, 49 (ouch), female, and have been diabetic for about fifteen years. I recently went from byetta to insulin so Im looking for some weight loss support. In know insulin is notorious for making one put on weight, so I know I have to be diligent. Having to really watch those carbs now.

    So who is all here tonight?
  • Hi Acey! I can understand going off Byetta...if it keeps on making me so nauseated, I may go back to the five pen! I felt great on it!

    VIKIA: We had a total of seven kids come by. I got chips and stuff. That doesn't tempt me much, but even if I ate some it would not be as bad as candy. My son in law carries them for his lunch, so they will be gone in no time!

    ROSETTA: Can you ask that woman not to tempt you? Seems if she knew you were diabetic she wouldn't do that...

  • Its a new month, and time for a new thread! Here is the link to November: