Hello - so happy to have found this group..

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  • Hi everyone, as the heading says I'm really happy to have 'found' you all

    I've had a (big) bit of a yo-yo this last couple of years with my weight and have ended up back where I began. I started ww in April 2005 and up to Christmas 05 had lost 47lb - all of which I have put back on this year. I was really good for most of the time and was regularly going to the gym and really enjoying it, however just about the time when I slowed down and the gym and started slowly gaining weight I developed a big problem with my shoulder that has led me being off work and in severe pain for the last 5 months. During this time my weight has gone up, up and up again and whereas I'd got down to a size 20 I'm now back in a 24/26 and feeling really down with it all.

    My doctor has just prescribed me Xenical to give me a kick start to getting back on track and I've started on these today and so far so good - I'm using them as a preventative against eating fatty foods and am really hoping that this works for me.

    I've really enjoyed reading your messages here today and am looking forward to reading/writing many more.

  • Welcome to the forum Katie I lost 50 pounds at slimming world stopped going and put it all (and more) back on. I'm now at weight watchers! I'm going to be running out of places for fresh starts soon...
  • Hi Katie!

    Your story almost mirrors mine! I lost 25lb last year on WW, then I got sick with my asthma, spent time in hospital, went on heavy steroids, and over the past year put all of the weight back (and about 8 more...)

    I have yo-yoed away for the last 10 years, each time saying "this is IT!" - however... this time this IS it!! (see? I said it differently!)

    We can do this, I just have a good feeling about it - plus finding this site is a HUGE bonus!

    Look forward to getting to know you and hear about your lb losses!
  • Hi Katie
    Im another yo yo dieter, and Ive also recently started Xenical. Doing ok so far, lost one kilo this week
  • Hi Katie,

    I my weight has just went up, up and waaay up! I've lost about ten pounds here and there but it always came back and then some. I was going to the gym awhile back and injured my foot. It took over a year to heal so I sort of "gave up". It's so hard to get back on track. Good for you that you're on the ol' band wagaon again. :-D What is Xenical and how can one get some?
    Anyway, welcome and I hope we can all encourage one another here. I know we can do it!!
    Have a great day~
  • Welcome to 3fc Katie

    I too am on xenical i have been on it for a month now and have just started my 2nd packet so far i have lost 12lbs. I was on WW about 2 years ago lost 2 stone in 6 months and by the next summer i had put it all back on this time its coming off and staying off. I am currently at 279.7lbs so me and you are in about the same place. Good luck with the weightloss and if you ever need any help or advice there is always someone here to talk to. Also make sure you check out www.xenicalmap.co.uk its very helpfull for any questions regarding the Xenical and its affects.

    Take care and i look forward ot speak to you again soon.

  • welcome... hope your plan goes well

    lou x
  • Hi Katie,

    Good luck with the weight loss, my weight has been up and down ever since I was 12/13 and I have tried everything to shift it. Luckily I have now found something that works and have gone from a Size 18 to a big 12....I am wearing my size 12 Tesco's jeans today.....I never never though I would ever get into a pair of size 12's

    If I can do it anyone can, I will keep my fingers crossed for you
  • Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone, they'e much appreciated

    Sugarbaby - Xenical (Orlistat) is a tablet that you take 3 times a day (with meals) and it rids your body of approx 30% of fat from the meal, I got mine on prescription from the doctor.

    Teresa - thanks for letting me know about that site, I'll go have a mooch around there.

  • Also, if anyone else is on Xenical, they have a phone helpline, and if you register with them they call you once a month to see how you are getting on, and also send you free stuff
    I received a tape measure, welcome book and a food diary, and I think that later on they send a pedometer and fat counter book.
    The number is 0800 731 7138
  • Kalijack

    thanks for the info, I am going to register with them.

    I've got to be honest and say that I just got a shock as to how you were prescribed Xenical - I looked at your weight stats and just saw the figures and didn't realise that it was in kg - my first thought was that some doctor was gonna get struck off for prescribing you Xenical at 111lb! That will teach me to read things properly. Well done on your loss with it, I look forward to us being able to support each other on our journey down the scale.

  • I want some.... gimme some o dat! hehe

    I guess I'm behind in the times locked up here with the kids doing homeschool. I've never heard of xenical. Is it hard to get it from your doctor? Oh and thanks for sharing that info with me.
  • It goes without saying that you should definately check with a doctor first.

    I am against 'diet pills' however I saw some in a health food shop - must be safe and natural I thought. I read up about them and it said they are dangerous and act like Speed. Eek!
  • They will only give Xenical to people who have 3 stone or more to lose , and they also make u lose 5lbs on your own before you start taking them so it proves u can lose weight on your own with a halthier diet, they are very strict on who they give it too , but they gve it to diabetics more than anyone else. I wouldnt relaly class them as diet pills as such as they are only getting rid of the fat that you eat but deending on how healthy yuor diet is there shouldnt be that much fat to get rid of.

  • LOL, I want to lose weight, but I think 111 lb would be a bit too much
    Quote: Kalijack

    thanks for the info, I am going to register with them.

    I've got to be honest and say that I just got a shock as to how you were prescribed Xenical - I looked at your weight stats and just saw the figures and didn't realise that it was in kg - my first thought was that some doctor was gonna get struck off for prescribing you Xenical at 111lb! That will teach me to read things properly. Well done on your loss with it, I look forward to us being able to support each other on our journey down the scale.
