how much is too much?

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  • Quote: Seriously, I don't 'force' myself to drink more water than I want.
    I don't force the water, either. However, I've read (and recently confirmed this in a quiz about water in the 300+ section!) that the average body loses up to 10 glasses of water a day just through things like urination sweating, etc. Since there's no way for me to measure the amount of maoisture I get from my foods, I figure the least I can do for my body is replenish what it loses naturally

    Of course, I go above and beyond with 4 liters a day, but I don't always do it intentionally (I do focus on it more if I know I've been taking in a LOT of sodium lately). I just keep a 1-liter bottle on my desk at work and 1 in the fridge, so I keep switching them out throughout the day and sip constantly while I'm working. I never chug a bunch just to get in a certain amount or anything like that
  • Quote:
    Of course, I go above and beyond with 4 liters a day, but I don't always do it intentionally (I do focus on it more if I know I've been taking in a LOT of sodium lately).
    Yep, me too. I definitely drink lots more water if I know I've taken in a lot of sodium.

    I rarely ever feel TRULY thirsty, so I'm probably getting the water I need. I'm in the bathroom quite a bit as well. So what I'm taking in simply because I WANT to take it in is most likely enough. I can always tell when I haven't had enough water on a particular day because I get that uncomfortable feeling in my feet, which means I'm retaining water. I also get charlie horses in my calves and cramps in my toes. That happens rarely these days. It used to happen a LOT. Before I started my weight loss journey. Because I know for a fact that I wasn't getting enough water then. I was walking the earth every day dehydrated and didn't even know it. In fact I was dehydrated so bad once, they stuck me in the hospital for 4 hours hooked up to an IV to replenish my fluids.
  • If you ever have a kidney stone, you will become a water drinker! Some people have more of a tendency to form these than others, but not drinking enough water is part of it. I almost never feel thirsty, much to my detriment. I have to track my water intake. I try to drink 8 oz. every hour during the day--that means I usually get my 8-10 glasses in. If I'm exercising I drink more.

    My kidney dr. says water means water--not fruit, not juice, not soda, not coffee or tea. Water.

  • If I don't drink water, I end up drinking Diet Coke, so this past week and a half (since I started my journey) I've cut down to 2 Diet Cokes per day and the rest is bottled water. Even if it's out of the tap, I put it in a bottle, just because I'm curious how much I drink...not because I'm making myself drink a certain amount.

    So, each bottle is 16oz. I drink one with breakfast, one after lunch, one with my afternoon snack, one with dinner, one before bed. That adds up faster than you realize. I've been drinking at least that much every day so far, and most days it ends up being closert to 100oz.

    Going from having water maybe once a week (no, seriously.) to having that much every day, has really helped me a lot. I feel better. I'm not as tired. It helps me with cravings. It's been great.

  • Quote: Going from having water maybe once a week (no, seriously.) to having that much every day, has really helped me a lot. I feel better. I'm not as tired. It helps me with cravings. It's been great.
    Same here--I used to literally almost NEVER drink water. Growing up, I drank lots of juice, soda, and milk, but would never drink water. Never. Now I drink water more than anything with maybe 1 can of diet soda a day and the occasional glass of skim milk (maybe 2 a week).