HELP!! anyone have post op RNY diet info??

  • Have you had WLS?? IF so then your dr should have given you a diet. All dr's are different in the diet they perscribe after surgery. If you're just looking into what you're getting into I can tell you that MY dr says clear liquids for 1-2 weeks following surgery. Then you go to creamy stuff, he says anything that can fit through a McDonalds straw.... but no chunks... like creamy soups, strained.. runny instant potatoes and oatmeal, milk, protein shakes ect. Week 4 (or so) is pureed fruit, meat and veggies. then at about 6-10 weeks post op you can try what you'd like, making sure you only add one new thing per day to see how your new system takes it. This is of course is only if there are no complications. I had my surgery 3/31/06 and have just this week started clear liquids, again. Long story....
    I hope this helped a bit,
  • My surgeon prescribes a diet of 1 week of liquids including protein supplements, three weeks of pureed foods while trying to get in 64 oz of clear liquids (this is where I am and I can't get that much liquid in me no matter how hard I have been trying), Four weeks of whole soft foods such as baked potates, cheese, tuna, pasta and such ( I have been sneaking some of these foods in just making sure that they are nice and done so they are easily smushed), and then slowly adding in what are considered unrestricted textures (this is the phase I think will scare me the most).

    It does shock me that your doctor hasn't discussed this with you or even sent you to a nutritionist.
  • <shar - it's great to see you posting again!>
  • thanks all!! my suregry is 20 years old. and after many surgeries after. i have gained almost all my weight back except 30 lbs. starting weight 268lbs, im 5'2". i initially got down to 117.but about 4 years ago i started gaining and havent original surgeon retired about 9 years ago. the surgeons i have seen after all have different opinions.due to past heart/lungs problems they did not want to use any drugs/or optifast programs."too risky" so all i was tolde is to follow diet. but i never got an original diet.because first 6 months i either had a g-tube, or clear liquids witrh ensure.
    ANY HELP???? will be greatly appreciated ladies/gents.
    thanks confused/and concerned.
  • My Doc Said 2 weeks thin puree 2 weeks puree 2 soft food and so on
    I skipped some of the puree and went right to soft food 3 small meals and a snack and PROTIEN although I was told 64 oz was a minimum he wants me to do 96! I'm still workin towards that
  • I think you should visit your primary doctor and get diet recommendations from him/her, or get a referral to a doc who specializes in gastro issues. WLS is very common today -- much more so than it was when you and I had it done 20 years ago. There are plenty of physicians around who can advise you.

    Because your surgery is so old, and because of the complicating factors that have made you have additional surgeries, we can't give you a one-size-fits-all "diet" that will meet your unique needs. Please seek the advice of a qualified physician who can! I'm sure with guidance, you can still lose much if not all of the excess weight, if you are willing to work at it!

    Good luck to you.