Stretch Marks

  • Is there anything that can be done???
  • I believe there are medical treatments that can help, but no creams or lotions seem to work. Time will fade them to a silvery color that is harder to notice. I have stretchmarks on my hips/breasts just from puberty and on my stomach/outside of my thighs from weight gain/loss.
  • I find that self tanner helps camoflage. Moisturize really well with a regular lotion for a few days so it doesn't go on streaky, and exfoliate before you apply.
  • sigh.
    i was really hoping there'd be a cure or something... ah well, stuck for life, eh?
  • Sadly, it's basically a tear in the skin, a scar. I think there are procedures (laser treatment, microdermabrasion) to get rid of them, but that would be way outside of my price range.
  • Mine were bright purple, but now they are white and shiny and not very noticeable. Keeping your skin well moisturised might help their appearance a little, but as Glory says, the skin is torn, and can't be mended. I personally wouldn't try any of the cosmetic procedures, once you start your basically committed to having top ups for life, as none of them offer a cure, just a temporary treatment, and it gets expensive. And no one knows the lifelong effects of having these treatments yet.

    The ones I really hate are under my arms! Eek! Those ones still are a bit purply looking, but they're getting better as the weight goes down.
  • Have you tried vitamin e? If you break the gel capsules and put the gel right on your skin.