
  • HI, I was browsing the net and found this site, what a beaut one it is too.
    I am hopeful with your support that I can refocus and take measures to improve my health.
    About me:
    I am 54yrs old, 5.3cm in height and today I weigh 90kg.
    I am an original kiwi from New Zealand, been living in Queensland Australia on the Gold coast for 15yrs and I work in a nursing home.
    All my life I have yo yo'd in weight.
    In 1969 I weighed 60kg when I married.
    I ballooned to 120kg after our child was born in 1971.
    In 1976 I underwent a gastric bypass and regained my goal weight of 60kg within 6 months. I maintained this weight until I moved to live in Australia 12years ago. (The move was simply to please my husband who fell in love with the gold coast during a holiday several years prior to the move).
    I gained weight within a few years - joined Jenny Craig, returned to goal weight but over the years have not sustained permanent weight loss. Over time I have tried lots of diets and programmes with some success only to regress yet again. Worklife is long hours and stressful but I have to work to pay off mortgage and bills because my husband is impaired now due to an accident and has lots of medical needs and my health is starting to deteriorate SO this is where you come in. I figure there must be someone interested in helping me get unstuck from this crazy spiral I find myself in. I respond well to structures and would welcome direction to impliment a forward plan. The "how to start" would be a great step 1 plan.
  • Kiwi-Welcome
    I am also verrrry new to this board, and so excited about my new lifestyle. A girlfriend gave me the new Weight Watchers cookbook for a birthday present (a little odd, but she has watched me struggle with weight loss), and I had a general idea of the principles, so I started on my own. I have lost 14 lbs in 8 weeks, which is 10 times what I did without the structure of the program. I am also 54 years old, a nurse, and I live on the "NOT so gold coast in South Louisiana, USA)....Good luck in your new endeavor, you will find a lot of very knowledgeable people on this site, and great info.
  • to both of you. This is a great site and there are lots of challenges, support groups, etc so just jump right in any of them that look good to you. Kiwi, I hope you can find a structured plan that interests you. I started off "somersizing" based on the Suzanne Somers diet books. Gradually I've tweaked it to be my own personal plan. I now calorie count -using - but still avoid sugar, white flour, corn, potatoes. I think finding the right plan for you depends on what you feel like you can't live without. I knew that I felt better and had less binges when I stayed away from sugar, but also knew that I couldn't live on a low-fat tasteless (to me) diet. So my current plan includes good fats, proteins and carbs in the form of fruits and veggies and whole grains. Good luck in finding something that will work for you. And be sure to check in here at 3FC for lots of motivation and support.
  • Hi jtammy and rebuildnola thanx for your inspiration. The resources available on this site are positive and rejuvenating and the support is what will make the journey possible. Watch this space for updates.