Hi, my name is Stephanie, and I like chocolate....

  • Hey Everyone!

    It's great to find this place for some support to loose weight!
    I haven't started yet. I'm 25, currently 5'2" and weigh in at 163. I have been married for a year,and have gained 30 lbs within that year!

    Since moving to Dallas, my new job requires me to sit on my *** all day long compared to my past jobs where I was running around everywhere. This has definately made me to gain weight.

    Not to mention all of the people here love bringing goodies and sweets to work to share with everyone. How can I say no when I can see the food and smell it?
    In fact, as we speak I'm eating some Oreos right now! Ugh!

    Another factor is that I have chronic thyroidism. It has taken a year to get the medication right, but my last checkup read normal! So I thought since my thyroid is normal now, I could loose some weight. Well, I've actually gained some more. I have my next checkup this friday, and I bet the tests come out low again. Please bump up my meds to help me burn calories!

    Of course, I've had thyroidism for about 10 years, but never had gotten tested for it until a year ago. Those 10 years had been ****. I struggled so hard with loosing weight. I exercised my *** off to see no results. This really strained me on the self esteem level, and it still does. I had been on the meds for a year now, and have gained 30 lbs since my wedding!
    So I keep putting it off again because I don't want to go through the whole struggle with trying to loose weight because there is that fear that I will never see results.
  • In fact, as we speak I'm eating some Oreos right now! Ugh!

    Mmmmmm... Oreos. Double Stuff Oreos. Besides saying hello and that I'm new too, I've got to tell ya not to buy the Oreos. If you see them in the store, walk away. Quickly!!! Oreos are my biggest weakness, and if I have a bag in my home I will eat them.
  • That's just the problem!
    I didn't buy them. they were from someone at work and they were offered to me. I couldn't say no! I tried so hard....for like 2 seconds, and then once I ate one Oreo, I was doomed to eat more
  • Boooooo... I'm sorry Sharper. My mom goes to WW because of just that problem; treats at work that make it hard for her to stop grazing. I've got a bit of a probem with it too. That, and Oreos it home. They both put me into denial. I tell myself, 'oh, I'm not that big, my metabolism can take a treat,' but then I find my belly getting bigger and my boobs escaping from my bra. Just fight the power man!!! Keep the treats out of your field of vision. Eat an apple if you crave the chocolatey crunch of an Oreo. Tell the people at work that you're trying to avoid unhealthy snacks. I'll do the same here and then we can swap success stories.
  • Sounds good!
    Yep, fruit at work. It's sweet, and I'll pretend its desert.
    Whats your fav fruit? Mine is sweet pineapple! I also like cantelope.
    I'm going to have to cut some up and keep it in our fridge at work for the week.
    Hmm, I really need to cut out the cokes too. I've gotta get on a water binge
  • Pineapple's good. I also adore berries. I try to have berries every morning with my breakfast. I'm also lucky that I gave up my Coke addiction several years ago. I'll still have one if I go out for a burger or something, but that happens very rarely. I drink lots of water and tea and probably more coffee than I should though. I try to bring healthy snacks into work; sugar-free applesauce, carrots sometimes, and granola bars(though I need to work on finding bars with less sugar and bad stuff). The Boy and I eat a fairly healthy dinner as well, but I'm trying to wean myself off salt right now as well as weaning myself off excess treats. I was fairly well behaved last night, a wee bit of yoga, walking up the stairs and leaving the salt in the cupboard. I did have a bit of desert, but it was a leftover that would have gone bad. I know, excuses excuses.

    Anyhoo, how've you been holding up since this morning's Oreo debacle?
  • what a great start!
    The only fitness I get in for the day is climbing the stairs to my apartment. I think I might take the dogs for a walk in the park in the evenings after work.
    The hubby does all of the cooking, so hopefully I can convince him to cook healthier things other than steak everynight.
    As far as desert, I love icecream, so I found dryer's frozen yogurt to be good and 1/2 the fat!
  • I just added that Fit Day thing, so I think I'll steer clear of the frozen yogurt, or anything remotely ice cream like, until I get a handle on what a 'normal' day is for me food wise. It's funny, because I get full easily I always assumed I had a low caloric intake. Booooo... I haven't even had dinner yet and it looks like I've had a lot. Hang on, how many calories are we supposed to have in a day?
  • Hey Stephanie,

    So glad you came to join us here! Welcome