Does eating less make exercising easier??

  • Hi all, I have a question for all of you. Now I now its different for everyone, but I just wanted to get a sense of how it might work.

    Whenever I eat less, 1500 calories or so, exercising feels so easy, it's easier to break into a sweat, I enjoy it more and so on. But when I eat over 2000 calories, I get out of breath easily, dehyrdrated easily, and generally find the workout a tad bit annoying while doing it (The "let's get this over with" feeling).
    DOes anyone else feel this way? I don't know what to attribute it to. I was rather objective in determining this because I didn't even notice these patterns til recently, and I've been active for about 1 year.

    It COULD be that eating clean (well, not necessarily CLEAN, but just LESS in genral, for me) motivates me to do more and encourages more activity because I've got it going well. It could be that more food makes me feel bulky and tired after eating it and therefore not allow me to exercise as "effectively", but I can't just believe this until I hear what other people say. My friends think I am wrong because they believe that more food= more energy= more energy to exercise and burn off--> higher metabolism, feel better.

    Now I'm not eating LESS than 1500 calories, just so you know. There have been days where I haven't eaten enough and felt fatigue while exercising (duh, we all know why).
  • It depends where those extra calories are coming from. If your 2000 day is mainly carbs then perhaps it's the carbs making you feel lethargic. However when I eat 1200-1400 I find it very hard to continue through my exercise. If I eat say over 2300 then I will feel all bloated and horrible, but mainly because I've eaten a lot of carbs and saturated fat to take me up to 2300 in the first place, and I know if I even eat some types of carbs that fit into my calorie allowance, then I might feel blah and like lying in bed rather than doing my classes.
  • I have found that if I've done well calorie-wise, then I feel like I'm making progress with my workout and it's not so bad. If I've eaten a lot, then it just seems like I'm making up for my lack of self-discipline and not really getting anywhere, so the workout seems more tiresome. Either way, I just try to lose myself in whichever novel I'm reading since I'm not overly fond of working out in general.
  • I need to eat more to exercise well usually. Or at least more complex carbs, I found that they really did make a difference to how I feel when I'm running. Although I tend to exercise first thing in the morning before I eat, and then replenish the calories during the rest of the day so I never feel particularly bloated when I start, but I need to make sure I eat enough in the evening that I won't feel entirely empty in the morning.