Well....I'm finally introducing myself. Lonnnng Time Lurker!

  • Hi! I'm Aziza! I stumbled upon this site a year ago and have been lurking constantly for the three months. About a month ago I decided to start the South Beach Diet after reading about it on the site. I didn't do anything for a good minute but then I made a trip to Barnes and Nobles. Two books were sitting right next to each other when I walked into the store. Guess what they were? The South Beach Diet and 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet . I figured that it must be fate so I purchased both of them and here I am!

    I'll be going on the diet with my boyfriend of three years (yay!) I've gained 20 lbs. and he's gained at least 30 since we've been together. It's kind of scary because we're young (I'm 21, he's 22) so I can only imagine what'll happen to us if we continue down this path. We chose the Beach mainly because I'm a sweet freak and he's addicted to soda and juice. In fact, I bet that's how he probably gained all the weight....in the past he would routinely drink a 2 liter of soda a day Now he's cut back to two 20 oz bottles but replaces the soda with juice. I go crazy when I'm around sweets and moderation is not a word in my vocabulary....especially during the holidays. The diet'll be a challenge but I like challenges. So tonight we're heading over to Walmat to stock up on lots and lots of eggs

    I currently weigh about 240 lbs (eeek!) and wear a size 18 pant and dress size. I would love to get down to 175 lbs fit into a 12. Thanks fo reading my small novel I'm so glad to be among a group of such inspirational people!
  • Welcome Aziza! Such a beautiful name to go with a beautiful face! I'm sure you will get alot of support on here via the different boards. I myself am not doing a specific diet, mainly just trying to keep my daily calories in check...trying not to go over 1400 if I can help it.. lol. Stick around! Lots of wonderful people here to help motivate and support you every step of the way!
  • Hi Aziza and welcome! Hey, it's about time you came out of Lurksville! So glad you did!