
  • I'm not new here, but I've got a work contract in Australia (specifically in Surfers Paradise) for four months and have now been here for about a week and a half. I have so many questions -- like how many kilograms do I weigh so I can put that into exercise machines, what's a Canadian size 10 in Aussie sizes, and should I go tandem skydiving?

    It would be nice if any of you members are from around the area, just to give me some advice. Especially on where to shop. I have found a grocery but they didn't have all the veggies I wanted (and I had to try Tim Tams once, and they were really good, but I reckon I can't buy them again because they are so packed with calories ... er, kilojoules).
  • Hi, and welcome, I am an Aussie living in the UK. Check out this great group, and I am sure there are a couple of other Parasites oh oops Paradisers, on the forum.

    Google convert is your friend. If you go to Google and type convert pounds to kilojoules it will give you the answer! So in Aussie you starting weight was 84 kilos, your current weight is 76 kilos and your goal weight is 65 kilos.

    Converting dress sizes is difficult, as shops vary so much. I keep trying to work out the difference from English to Australian and I have found in some things I am the same as here, in others I am a size or two smaller in Aussie sizes. I would say take a 10, a 12 and a 14 in the changing room and buy the one that fits!

    In terms of tandem sky diving, you should be ok, as your BMI is within the healthy weight range (just) for your height.

    What sort of veggies are you looking for? I've not been to Surfers Paradise for years, but would imagine they have Coles and Woolworths the two main supermarket chains. I would assume there would be a farmers market too. I can't vouch for any of these personally but have found :-

    Enjoy Australia, I envy you, we're just going into the depths of winter here.