September Weightloss and TTC Support!

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  • Hi Ladies I figured I would go on ahead and start a September Thread. I know its been kinda quiet lately, but I hope we can get back into the "Groove" of things.

    So Join me, won't you????? My bday and my anniversary is the end of Sept. so its a very special month for me.....................

    Good news.......................We joined the Y! Not only is it the largest in our area, it is the largest in the country! (no joke) By the time we got done from the tour, we felt like we already had a workout! lol.

    They have everything there! Including, what I liked, an outside Nature Trail!!!! We got 10% off from work and they also had a special running as well.

    We can have as many guests as we want and they only have to pay $6 or a discounted weekly rate. So we plan on taking fil up there.

    I have an appt with my gyn. on Oct. 3rd. and an appt. with my family dr tomorrow. He is going to be ecstatic about us joining the Y!

    Um guess that is about it, I just wanted to share with you all!

    I feel better already!
  • Sassy,
    Been away for a while, count me in! I'm back from vacation and feel ready for a new challenge. My birthday is in Sept. too!
  • Hi

    Great glad your here! When is your bday? Mine is the 24th...............
  • Welcome back Ladies! It has been a crazy summer. We are on a break from TTC until November or so. I know that sounds crazy but I need to pay attention to due dates because of the nature of my job.

    On the weightloss front I saw very little movement this summer on the scale but can now fit into a 20 for most clothing and even fit into some size 18 pants the other day. So, I will take that.

    I have been slacking on the exercise front though so Im sure that has a lot to do with it.

    Sassy: Congrats on joining the Y! Hope that your dr's appointment went well.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Mine's on the 19th
  • Hi Ladies!!!!!!!
    Hi Deb! WB! Hey that is great, any WL in my humble opinion is good. I understand about taking a break, we've been on one for a while. Waiting til I see my dr in Oct. So we'll see what she has to say. I "fired" my RE. She was just plain nasty and I just couldn't stand going to see her and paying my hard earned money (well my co pay but still!). So I'm going to see my gyn. and see what she says.........

    Emma -- Cool! We'll have to have a Big "Internet" Bday Party for us both!!!!
  • Hi all.. I'm new to IR boards although not new to so I'd thought I would chime in.

    This is a big September for me!! I'm getting married on the 24th and my birthday is the 28th! I'll be in DisneyWorld on my honeymoon for my birthday.

    After almost a year of searching for help with weight loss, I saw a "weight loss specialist" last week who thinks I may be insulin resistance and suggested a low glycemic diet. Of course 3 weeks before my wedding isn't the best time to start a new way of eating but I'm trying to gather information and recipes to get started when we return..

  • Hi Deb, Sassy and Emma!
    Christine congrats for your wedding!

    I'm back from holidays, but no more weight lost! I hope I will be doing better from now on; my goal is still to weight no more than 57 kilos before 2007, but I must work hard if I want to reach my goal!
    I also hope that my cycles will be more regular and predictable; after the adoption of my daughter I'm back to TTC: I have still a little hope for a miracle...
  • Hello and Everybody!

    Sorry I am really tired.........(just got home from work a little bit ago) so for now I'm just "passing through"

    Have a Wonderful Day All!

  • September Birthday
    I've got a birthday coming up on the 27th. This is my fav time of year. It always reminded me of a new beginning, even more than Spring. I'm hoping to reinforce my resolve to drop those unwanted pounds.

  • Alba: Welcome back! Hope that you had a wonderful holiday enjoying your precious little one!

    Christine: Best wishes on the upcoming nupitals! How exciting for you!

    Sounds like we will be having a virtual birthday celebration in a few weeks!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • Hi my fellow Cysters!

    Well guess who came to visit me lastnight? Yup. AF! After MONTHS of being without her she just decides to show up! So who knows how long she plans on staying this time! lolllllllll.

    BUT at least she came all by herself, right???????

    Wow I think we are going to definately have to have an E-Bday Party!!!!

    Have a Wonderful Day!
  • Hi girls

    I was wondering if its ok if i join you guys. I have been TTC for 2 years in October and had a M/C back in July 05 , since then i have put on a bit more weight than what i ever have been before and stopped ovulating completly. I was only diagnosed with PCOS in March this year and sent straight to see fertility Dr's who were useless and told me to lose weight so here i am.I have not been given any mediacation for the PCOS either so at the momnt i am doing it all on my own. I would love to be able to talk to you girls and share experiances , as sometimes i feel so alone until i come on to somewhere like this and i realise i am 1 in proberly thousands that are in exactly the same boat .

    Thanks for reading my post in advance lol

  • Hello & Teresa!!!!!!!!!

    Of course you can join us! So sorry to hear about your M/C and experiences with drs. Drs are like shoes, you got to keep trying them to find the right one!

    I'm glad you are here with us and feel free to ask or say whatever you want!

  • Thanks for the warm welcome sassy , here in england the Dr you see is the Dr you get , cos we have a free service called the NHS you basiclly get what your given. Although i have no quarms in asking for another dr if the one i have now wont help me , whether i get another one is a different story.

    Good luck to you all in your journeys and i look forward to chatting to you all more.
