300+ And Ready to Try Again #992

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  • Hello all,

    Nancy, I LOVED Northern Exposure. My friends never understood why, but I'll still put in a video of it to watch.

    Ziggy, Welcome!

    Nelie, I hope things get back in track for you. Do you think the firming creams work at all?

    Ok, I'm a bit stressed and I'm sure some (all?) of you will think I'm crazy, but here goes. School started Tuesday, so I've been working like a fiend because I didn't do a thing over the summer to help myself. Every school year I tend to lose a good 10lbs during the first 2 weeks because of additional activity and stress, so I know I will lose a bit this week. However, on Tuesday morning, I weighed 297. This morning, 295. Today when I got home, 292. I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning for the 3FC challenge, but 5 lbs in 2 days!!! That doesn't seem possibly or likely. Do you think it is water weight (I've been drinking more) or is it possibly to lose that much in such a short period of time? I'm not to keen on upping calories, but I don't want to screw up my metabolism/health either.

    I bet you don't get too many concerns about the FFM coming too often!
  • I weighed in today, finally the end of a week. I lost 5 pounds, a little dissappointed but I guess it is better than gaining. Its just that I have worked so hard this week! Exercising and sticking to program. Ehhh, I guess I shouldn't expect much.
    Just wanted to share.
  • Jen – It is very possibly water weight. Unless you are doing something unhealthy, then I wouldn’t worry about it. If you feel ok (besides normal tiredness from the change in schedule) you should be fine.

    Jamila – 5 pounds is great!!! That isn’t something you should be disappointed by. An average weight loss amount is 1 to 3 pounds per week (actually mostly people say 1 to 2, but I added an extra pound for people our size). One of the journey killers can be expecting this to happen more quickly then is physically possible. Unless you are on an extremely low calorie diet (which should be medically supervised) then you can expect an average of 1 - 2 pounds a week. It took many years to get to the weight we are at, and unfortunately it will take some time to get it off again. So don’t be discouraged – you are doing great!

    I should be working right now but I have been a bit distracted today (ok – so what’s new). Unfortunately I have a call with our head office at 7pm tonight, so I will go down to the gym and then come up for the call. That means I will get home late, but that’s ok.
  • Jamila - Five pounds in one WEEK! That's an incredibly good loss! Any more would be very rare! Very well done! You have nothing to be dissapointed about! Pat yourself on the back!
  • Jamila-WOW- 5pounds is awesome for one week! Once I've lost the water weight- I'm happy to have lost 2 pounds! You should be very happy, like Nancy said, this is going to take time, we have to expect that or will give up when we are doing well.

    Jen- I would think you are losing water weight. Just make sure you are staying OP-and if you lose a lot so rapidly for an extended period it may be worth looking into, but I wouldn't stress over a few days- plus one day to the next a person can be up or down 5 pounds easily- no mater what they are doing- just from water weight.

    Well- quick update on me. I found out today that I didn't get the job. The thing is I'm actually quite happy about it- relieved. I think I would have been thrilled to have it, but in the end, I think it would have meant dropping out of school- and I just started, so I think it was the right thing for me. They gave us feedback to grow from though- and they gave me a really great compliment. I was the youngest (i'm 22 and everyone else is 28/30+ish) and they said "we were very impressed with the way you conducted yourself in the interview. Especially being that you were the youngest, we were surprised to say that you conducted yourself the most maturely and professionaly of the other 4 interviewees!" and they went on about how they purposely through questions in to make me uneasy, and i didn't even flinch, but had amazing confidence in myself. That made me feel really good- all in all I feel better about it than I ever have when I've gotten the job.

    Well- I'm going to a get-to-gether tonight with just a few friends. They know i'm being healthy, so they called specifically to ask what kind of snack food I could eat- I know that there will be temptations there, and I will allow myself a little (so I don't have the cheese tray mix up from before) but at least I know I will be able to eat something I enjoy without guilt. Question: how bad would a couple glasses of wine be??

    One more exciting thing, I just realized I've been OP for 21 days- that is probably my longest record since I got this heavy !!

    Gotta do some school work before I go out, have a good one everybody--and if anyone comes by soon, please give comment on wine question as I would love y'alls advice before I go...
  • Hello chickies!
    It's been a while since I could check in, but glad to see everybody's doing well.

    Ziggy- Welcome to 3FC!

    Zelma- Your new pics look great! You look like you've been thin a ll your life!

    Lillion, Kati and Jamila- Congrats on the losses!! And Jamila, I'm just like you- I want to lose about half of my goal in a week! It seems like such a slow process to get rid of those extra pounds, but eventually (keeping my fingers crossed) they will go. It would be great to just wake up one morning and be thin!

    Things have just been so busy at work, but I'm happy to say I've been keeping up my exercise and watching what I eat.

    I'm going to weigh in at the dr.'s office next week and see if there's any less of me! I think there will be a change, because the jeans I'm wearing right now no longer rest on my waist. They are way below the belly button and a good tug would rid me of them!

    Hope you all have a great evening!
  • Hi Ladies - Good and bad news....good news is DELL is replacing my computer - with a newer system no less! - BUT, I won't have my personal computer for another 1-2 weeks...and they're picking it up tomorrow morning!! Not very good organizing there!! Darn people...but anyways, there's a household computer so I will try to get on there. I hope it gets here soon!!!! Later chickies!!

  • on the bike and back to the meetings. that is my goal for this month. i bought a bike and have been riding it to school (2 miles each day) for the last 2 days. i love it. i am also going back to WW starting tonight. in fact. i have to go now to catch my meeting. just wanted to let you all know im arround
  • Quote: Jill- If you are still having bleeding problems are you taking an iron supplement? I was borderline anemic for quite awhile (when I was having bleeding problems) and I always felt better when I made sure to take my iron.


    Zelma – You look gorgeous – but then you always look gorgeous! Both you and your husband look so happy and healthy. Please don’t apologize for posting pics – I always love to see them!

    Michelle – “No spiders” - Now that is a positive attitude! Actually the place you live sounds really interesting. I loved that show Northern Exposure and I also watched North of 60 when I lived in Canada.

    Kate – Congrats on being down 7 pounds!

    With the loose skin issue, I am mostly ok with it. Actually one of the areas I am most concerned about are my calves. At my highest weight I started to have a lot of water retention and I started to have some circulation issues, which caused my calves to really swell up. I have seen my doctor about it and they have definitely gotten better since I have lost weight, but they are still quite puffy. On days like today when I am retaining more water they puff out quite a bit. I am really hoping they will go back to some semblance of normality when I get closer to goal. If not, well I will still be better off than at my highest weight.

    One thing I do think about loose skin is that the healthier you are overall, the better your chances are. Just think about people you know who are heavy smokers or drinkers or who have really bad diets (no matter what size they are). Those who don’t take care of themselves tend to have much more unhealthy looking skin. If you take care of nourishing yourself both inside and outside your skin will probably have a much better chance.

    I don’t have much to report. I am just trying to do a bit of extra working out the next few days to make my August exercise goal. Work is somewhat busy, which is good. One thing is that having split up my workouts I am finding myself with more energy again. I have actually gone to bed with a clean kitchen for several days in a row. It is so hard to keep the house tidy when you are exhausted.
    I have the same issues with the calves, as far as puffiness is concerned, so my doctor has me wearing compression hose(how unsexy) and they do help, but it kind of bites in the summer when you want to wear capris and can't cause your feet and legs are puffy
  • Only have a couple of min .. my connection has been acting up all day and I want to quickly go and update my weight for the month (31st today in NZ lol) ... just wanted to congratulate those that have lost weight this week .. or inches .. and that have had some great NSVs!

    I have also just added a couple of pics of my new babies

    Oh ... Z .. your pics look gorgeous .. you look like a model!!

    Okee .. gotta go update my profile n stuff before I forget and the connection goes again .. arrggghhh!!

    Huggies all!
  • Good morning ladies!
    I did not great yesterday- but I don't feel too bad about it, usually a night like last night would de-rail me, but instead I feel like i enjoyed myself, not much harm done, back on track. I hope I feel the same way at weigh in Friday!! I had a couple pieces of pizza & a couple brownie bites & 1 soda. In relation to what I typically would have eaten to feel satisfied it was nothing. I hadn't eatem my Nurtisystem dinner, dessert, or snack- so i think that as far as calories go, I can't be too far over- you think? I refuse to let myself get off track because of one evening. I also didn't go the gym-ran out of time, because I got out of work really late. So all in all not me best day- but I'm hoping it won't hurt too bad.

    Katt-your little ones are so cute!!! They look like they are quite comfortable with y'all already too!! have fun with them!

    Work in 30min- so have to go, everyone have a wonderful day!
  • Thank you all for the lovely comments about the photos. I have put some of the new ones in frames in my classroom. People probably think I am SO vain, but I just sit in awe and look at them sometimes. I am still coming to grips with the fact that I look good in photos. I spent SO many years running away from cameras, and now I can't get enough of them. I am really pleased that my face and neck have not shown the effects of my previous weight and subsequent weight loss. I may have lots of wrinkles and excess 'stuff' elsewhere, but I can always manage to cover that up. I didn't want to have to live in a ski mask for the rest of my life, so I am happy with the results above the shoulders so far.

    Katt - Your lambs are SO cute. I can't remember if you said why you got them. Is it just something you wanted as a pet, or did you need some cheap lawn mowers? I remember feeding friends' lambs on their farm a few times. It is a great feeling.

    Kim - It doesn't sound as though you did too bad on your night out. You didn't stick to your usual plan, but you certainly didn't go overboard either, which is wonderful. It shows that you are learning the sensible way to do things, even when you aren't in a 'controlled' environment. That is an excellent step in the right direction.

    That was fantastic feedback from the job interview! Even though you didn't get the job, at least you know that someone had to be pretty wonderful to get it over you if you made such a good impression at the interview. It could have even been one of those situations where they already had someone who they planned to put in the position, but they had to advertise anyway. Whatever the reason, it was nice that they let you know how impressed they were with you. They could have just given you the usual rejection letter.

    Jamilla - You may have been expecting a larger loss as you probably lost a lot in the first few weeks of your journey. That is a common thing to happen at first, but then your body adjusts and the losses are much more gradual, which is definitely better for your body. If you want to keep the weight off, you need to give your body time to adjust to each change and you need to realise that this is a 'lifestyle' change, so you may as well get used to the changes and just enjoy seeing whatever loss your scales show. There will even be weeks where you don't show a loss, or maybe even a gain, but once again that is just your body adjusting, and you learn to ride it out. As long as you perservere, you WILL continue to lose weight, but your body will decide how much and when it wants to let the weight go. You are doing really well so far and I hope you take the time to pat yourself on the back now and again.

    Kate - I hope you don't miss the twins too much once they start back at school. It is refreshing to know that you love having them home for the break. I would imagine it isn't always easy, but I hear of so many parents who don't like the holidays because their kids are home all the time. I kinda find that a little sad. Mind you, I don't have any kids of my own and I LOVE having time to myself. But... that is one of the reasons WHY I don't have kids. I have taught a number of kids whose parents didn't seem to really be interested in them and I often wonder why they bothered to have them in the first place. Anyway... (stepping off my soapbox)... I hope you get to find some quality time, even once they are back at school.

    Well, I am about to head off to bed. We have had a very wet and wild day today, which was in stark contrast to the beautiful mild, sunny, warm day we had yesterday. I have NO idea what to expect tomorrow, so I may just go to school prepared for anything and everything.

    Take care all,

  • Quote: Jamilla - You may have been expecting a larger loss as you probably lost a lot in the first few weeks of your journey. That is a common thing to happen at first, but then your body adjusts and the losses are much more gradual, which is definitely better for your body. If you want to keep the weight off, you need to give your body time to adjust to each change and you need to realise that this is a 'lifestyle' change, so you may as well get used to the changes and just enjoy seeing whatever loss your scales show. There will even be weeks where you don't show a loss, or maybe even a gain, but once again that is just your body adjusting, and you learn to ride it out. As long as you perservere, you WILL continue to lose weight, but your body will decide how much and when it wants to let the weight go. You are doing really well so far and I hope you take the time to pat yourself on the back now and again.
    I just want to reiterate what Zelma said -- you can't think of this as a sprint. It is even more than a marathon, right? This is a long journey and your body is going to pace itself whether you like it or not!

    There are weeks I do get frustrated when the scale doesn't move much or at all and I am doing all the "right" things. But weight loss is not linear and doesn't happen on our timetable.

    Be patient, do a sensible program, take the time to learn your own issues, and the weight will hopefully COME off, and more importantly, STAY off!

    Eyes on the ultimate prize -- not weight loss, but maintaining a weight loss!
  • good morning ladies hope everyone is doing great. the past 2 weeks have not been the best for me but right here and now with the new month starting tomorrow i am RECOMMITTING MYSELF TO THIS DIET AND EXERCISE! there i said it. just wanted to post this for some accountablity!
  • Hi