I am getting soooo discouraged...

  • Here I am at my 5th week...I go to fitness class 3 times a week and I try so hard to stick to my diet so much so that I've given up my diet soda and have been drinking my water faithfully. So why am I not losing??? I lost 2 lbs the first week, gained back a pound, then lost a pound. It seems to be just yo-yoing back and forth in the same area!! Not to mention that everytime I look in the mirror I see an old, tired woman looking back at me. This is so depressing!!!
  • Tracy: Quit beating yourself up! The next time you look in the mirror you'll see a black and blue, old, tired woman. LOL. Sorry, I couldn't resist. How much sodium are you taking in? It can sneek in when you're not looking. I was surprised as to how much sodium was in mozzerella. You may be losing weight but gaining water. I was 4 lbs heavier this morning than this evening. It is impossible to gain that much in a day unless it's water. I'm a calorie counter and I thought I would try fat free beef jerky for a snack. The bag said 70 cal for 1 oz. I blew up like a balloon with water. It took me all day and lots of water to flush my system. Maybe that's your problem. If you know you are doing everything right, then don't trust the scale. Just keep up the good work and don't get depressed. We are rooting for you.
    Norma aka harkeyvalley
  • Hang inThere!
    Those first few weeks are tough -- which is precisely why so many magazine articles tout those "10 Day Miracle Diets." Remember, it takes at LEAST 21 days to form a new habit and what you are trying to do is not just lose weight, but to get healthy. I'd suggest focusing more on how your fitness level is changing ... maybe pick out a pair of pants you can't get into (now) and slip them on once a month to see how they're fitting. We need to eat right and exercise for the rest of our lives, sweetie. Hang in there and you'll make it.

    Personal exercise goal for August: 495/500
  • Golly. It's a mystery why you aren't losing more. Do you exercise, like go for a walk, on the days you don't have fitness class? My trainer at the Y said exercise has to be 4-5 times a week to support weight loss.

    And, what are you eating? Do you know how many calories per day? People's needs vary a lot, and sometimes the online calculators don't reflect that. You say you try so hard to stick to your diet--does that mean you actually stick to it, or have you not stuck to it on some days? In my own case, one out-of-program day will blow my weight loss for a week.

    Anyway, don't give up! Stay with your goals!

  • Other people made some great comments and asked important questions, and Jay already asked my question about food, given that you say you try to stay on plan. Do you track everything you eat?
  • I would also like to ask "how long" you have been exercising and dieting. If you have only been at it for say, 2-3 weeks, then a loss of 2-3 pounds in that time is completely normal and in the healthy range. If you have been doing your diet and exercise regime, though, for a longer period-such as 6-8 weeks or more with only a 2-3 pound loss-THEN you need to do some tweaking.

    It is also normal for there to be fluctuations-I often flim-flam between a 2-3 pound range for a week or two before it goes down permanently. This is due to many factors-your bathroom visits, sodium/water retention, time of day, clothing you are wearing, the time of the month-and so forth. This is why it is important not to weigh in daily if small fluctuations upset you. If you get obsessive about the small changes back and forth-weighing in once a week is better for your sanity.
  • aphil--she said she's in her 5th week

    As wyllen and JayEll mentioned, though, what you're eating can make a huge difference. What type of plan are you trying to follow? How many calories are you taking in? Whay types of foods are you eating? Do you keep track of what you eat 100% honestly?
  • Sorry-missed that. I have read about 10,000 post this morning already.

    What kind of fitness class are you taking 3 days a week?
  • I think you have gotten lots of great advice, I just wanted to say it took me 5-6 weeks to start losing - and I started losing after I started eatting more.. finding the perfect amount of food to eat can be tuff!
  • Starting out slow
    Well, I'm working out at a fitness and nutrition place kind of like Curves. It's called Inches A Weigh. Anyway, I forgot to mention that I have lost a total of 6 inches here and there.
    As for my diet, I'm using the weight watchers plan. It is so hard, especially at work since someone is ALWAYS bringing in food!! Not to mention, late in the evening is when I really want to munch. (BTW, I work the 3-11p shift)
    I do write down everything I eat in a daily diary. Could I be drinking too much water? Also, I was wondering if any of the medications I am taking could be the reason I'm not losing.
  • Drinking too much water shouldn't be causing you to retain weight, infact drinking lots of water works in the opposite way: it flushes excess fluids out of your system. How much water are you drinking? "the experts" recommend at least 64 fl oz a day, which is about 8 glasses.
  • Quote: Anyway, I forgot to mention that I have lost a total of 6 inches here and there.
    Then why are you discouraged?!

    Be ecstatic! You've lost inches! I had this exact same conversation with my husband. I'm on week five and I haven't dropped a single, solitary pound. I've lost 10 inches though. 3 inches of back bacon. Hehe. I hadn't mentioned that to my husband until he came up and said "You have a little less of you hanging around on your shoulders." Then I told him about inches (I'd just been complaining about pounds).

    Now, hubby is no diet guru, but he had a very good point. I'm flabby after 3 kids. My stomach and my chest muscles have no tone. Of course I won't lose weight. I'm compacting myself. Muscle weighs so much more than fat and takes up less space. Eventually the pounds will come off. Just give it time and rejoice that you're taking up less space.
  • I agree that losing inches is GREAT! Sometimes it happens that way -- lose inches before weight. Weight loss is not linear.

    As for food, do you know how many calories you are actually eating each day?

    And I sympathize, it can be hard to resist food at work. I generally don't give in, because I know I'm going to have to write it down. And actually, I've realized that whether I write it down or not, my body will know I ate it!

    To help, I bring my own snacks -- getting too hungry makes it harder to resist. Also, ask yourself, do you want that cake or brownie or whatever more than you want to lose the weight? Once the food is gone, you have to deal with the consequences.

    okay, I'll stop rambling...