Weekly WI - Anyone want to post your successes...

  • ....or otherwise? It's always a good idea to have a place to keep track.

    Last week I discovered a small gain and, looking back on old WI threads, discovered I've been bouncing up and down over the same four pounds since MARCH! From 248.8 to 244.2 and back again covering all points in between. It was an eye-opener and I realized I've been ignoring WW too long. I hadn't been journaling or counting nearly as well as I ought - So last Wednesday, at 246.8, I began again!

    This week, I'm at 243.2!

    Let's make this a weekly post!
  • way to go lili, i just started but i'll join you, i lost 4.5 (its all water weight and its just one day on teh diet but ) makes me happy

  • Good for you Lillian. It really does help to do that journaling. Also watch the hormone cycles. I just had a rough spot and looked back and found out it was hormonal. Congrats on the 85 lb mark. Keep up the great work..
  • My week has passed (I weigh on Wed.) and I am happy to announce another loss. 1.8 this week - down to 241.4! So...time to stay OP and do it again!
  • My week ends on Monday, but I just happened across this part of the board for the first time.....I was down 5 pounds on my Monday weigh in. Keep going girlies...we'll all be thin together!!
  • 9/6/06 - 242.4 - Up one pound - but still retaining fluid from a 14 hour car trip this weekend. I remain optimistic!
  • That's the spirit Lilion.....I weighed in on wednesday and lost two punds! I was excited being that we had a long holiday weekend and the week before I didn't lose anything....Im sure I could of done alot better but Im working on it!
  • I stayed the same this week. I had to switch WW meetings so it took a couple of weeks to get on a regular weigh in again. So hopefully now I'll continue to go in the downward direction.
