Calling All Challenge Chicks: The Seven Day Challenge

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  • It's my second day too. It's going really well. I hurt my ankle yesterday. I don't know how but I'm glad I can still ride cause I can't do any other cardio right now. Keep up the great work everybody!!!
  • Thats great that your still biking angiepants78, i would have probably used the ankle injury as an excuse!!! Im feeling really motivated today, wish i could remember this feeling when i crave junk food !!!
  • I wanted to! I was like oh I don't think I can do anything but then I reminded myself that I have a nice pair of pants I want to get into. So I was like ok, doesn't hurt to ride the bike DO IT!!. But Today was so hard! I did not want to stick to my diet at all. But I did. Day two down!!!
  • Good for you angiepants78 for keeping up with your plan, I have days like that a lot!!

    So im on Day 3 of my 7 day challenge, and everything is out to get me!! Its TOM so i want to eat chocolate or anything else remotely sweet, I am also getting a cold, BUT i am going to take my inspiration from angiepants78 and NOT give up on myself, I am going to keep going with this!!! I will NOT give into the demon chocolate!! I am going to go for a 30 minute walk tonight, i read somewhere that gentle exercise like walking eases TOM cramps, so hopefully thats right!!
  • Day 3 here too! I KNOW THAT FEELING!! I don't know why I crave chocolate during that time but it is too hard to resist. I've heard that exercise helps ease cramps. i don't know how true that is cause when I get mine I can't really do anything except eat chocolate. lol Keep up the great work. If you're good 90% of the time you can treat yourself 10% of the time. I read that some where. I keep telling myself it's only 7 days. I can do anything for 7 days. Easy easy!! And then I bribe myself saying ok you can have a treat after the 7 days and then I'm like YAY! I can do it! Good luck! My ankle is feeling better so I'm off to do some working out. We can do this we can do this!!!! WOOHOO! I'm trying to build up my energy. lol
  • OK, chicks, I'm sorry to report my I messed up on Day Three. Food and water were good, but I didn't get in any exercise. We didn't get home until around 9, and that's just too late for me.

    So today I have to start again at Day One, and I get a

    Today will be OP though! I have faith!

    I hope you're all doing great!

  • Hey Ms Elisha. Aww, no workout yesterday. Well, one thing that helps me is that I get my workout out in first thing in the morning. While the girls are taking their morning nap, I use that opportunity to workout. If I wait until the end of the day, something inevitably comes up or I'm tired or something. Great job Elisha!
  • miss_elisha It's awesome that you stuck to your other goals though! So way to go anyway! The eating part is the hardest for me. So far so good though. Exercise is becoming easier. Which is kind of weird cause I hate HATE doing it!! I try to get it done 1st thing too. If I really really don't want to work out i end up doing 20 minutes on the bike and thats it. My mind won't let me do any less.

    GOOD luck to you miss_elisha! Even if you get home too late try to do some crunches or something. Anything is better than nothing.
  • Hi Everyone!!

    That's for all my chickies...You know who you are! And Elisha...thanks for setting this up! Keep up the great work! OMG...your wedding is looming right around the corner!

    I'm sorry I've been negilgent in joining! Other than the fact that I haven't had time...I have no excuses! But I'm here now and I plan to follow through with my goals for the week because I need to get down to a magic # of 175!!! That will bring me down 10# since May and even though it seem lame, that's the best I've done in a long time! It will be nice to start fitting into my "smaller sizes" for the fall! And then I will start working on the next 5 #. here's my goals (If I can still join in!)
    1. Get in one serving (at least) of a fruit or veggie with each meal.
    2. Drink 70 oz. water a day.
    3. Journal every day if even over my points for the day!

    That's it for this week. I will incorporate exercise further down the road because I know that this is going to be a battle! I've been trying for quite some time to exercise each morning , but I can't seem to do it! I am moving a lot in my job every day (and I'm looking for a new job, BTW) so that has to count for something even though its not cardio...

    I've PM'd my buddies and hope that they will join in the fun! It's nice to see some new faces here!

    Elycia...your little twins are just adorable!
    Angiepants...hope your ankle heals soon!
    Pigginpodgey...hope you got your walk in...Don't let that evil chocolate get the best of you (TOM arrived for me yesterday, along with a raging Yeast infection this week...hasn't been fun!)

    I'll check in tomorrow for sure!
  • Hi everybody... it's been a long time

    But I'm back on the proverbial wagon.... and looking forward to seeing some success.

    Each day this week I will:
    1. Drink 3 bottles of water
    2. Get in at least 15 minutes of exercise
    3. Journal my food intake and check in. (sorry folks you get all the gorry details)
  • Yay! Joy and Julie are here! YAY!!!

    I've missed you chicks!

    Joy, how have you been? Anything new and exciting going on with you?

    Julie, are you still at the nursing home for now? Are you looking for the same type of job somewhere else, or something completely different? Are you still doing WW? How is that going?

    OK, so this weekend was wicked busy for me. Lots of shopping was done.

    The good news: we got pretty much everything else we need for the wedding, so the only thing left to do is food. I also went clothes shopping and got a ton of stuff, including some new workout tennis shoes.

    The bad news: the diet didn't go incredibly well this weekend. Eating out, no exercise, and not nearly enough water. You know what that means, chickies? It's back to Day One for me. *sigh*

    So I reset my DietPower software and I'm going to start using it regularly again. I'm all stocked up on healthy food. And my body is crying out for more water and more exercise.

    I'll probably miss exercising one evening this week, as we're considering getting a new car and we're going down to the dealership after work one day. It is hard for me to exercise in the morning because I already get up way too early and I don't get enough sleep the way it is. *sigh*

    I know, I should just suck it up and do it anyway.

    Saturday we're going to the opening WVU football game! Yay! Sunday is my family reunion, although I don't know if I'll be going or not (depends on whether or not my parents and/or grandparents go). Oh my goodness, every weekend for me is booked solid through the middle of October, mostly with wedding-related stuff. It's all good, just busy busy busy.

    And work is crazy. After today I should have it a little easier, and they're hiring someone else to do the part of my job that I don't like, so that's good too. Today, however, it's likely that I'll have to be here late, because I have a HUGE deadline. Bah!

    OH, I'm also going to start posting my daily menu again, because it helps me SO much.

    Breakfast: 2 c. coffee w/FF creamer, 1 onion bagel w/LF cream cheese
    Snack: Peach
    Lunch: 3 oz. lean pork tenderloin, snap peas, 1/4 c. gnocchi w/LF alfredo, 1 square Dove Dark
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Spaghetti (made w/lean beef and whole wheat pasta), tossed salad

    I need to drink a ton of water today. And everyday!
    Exercise will be walking the dog, unless it decides to rain, in which case it will be the elliptical.

    Wow, apparently I'm feeling chatty today!

    OK, I need to get busy. Lots to do!

    I hope you're all having a wonderful day!
  • Hey everyone. I made it through the 7 days and I am so happy with myself. I also wanted to note that I was very tempted to eat out this weekend, but I didn't want to let you guys down in the challenge. So thanx for the challenge and I'll be seeing you guys around!

  • hi, am new to this site, and need some advice on how it works - rather lost im afraid
  • Okay. starting tommorrow (it would be today except im about to hop into bed) I will
    1 Do something active for at least 20 minutes
    2 Pack my own lunch.
    3 Don't buy any fast/cafeteria food.
    4 Drink at least 6 cups of water a day.

    phew. wish me luck.
  • Quote: hi, am new to this site, and need some advice on how it works - rather lost im afraid

    Thats okay so I am too. Nothing like the blind leading the blind, but I can try to help. What seems to be the problem?