First time posting here:)

  • Hi I'm Aileen. I have a long way to go about 107 pounds I believe from what my ticker said. I may want to go lower. I need some big time motivation/support. My husband is wonderful but he has always been a 34" waist and doesn't know what I truly feel like. I'm excited to be here
  • Welcome Aileen! You will love it here. Everyone is sooo supportive. LOL, yea my husband has always been around the same size too. Too bad men don't get fat when they have kids.
  • Hello and welcome to 3FC!!! Congratulations on your 6 pound loss
  • Thanks This is my 2nd time around doing ww....first time I was down to 20 lbs from my goal, but then had a bad bad migraine where i got aphasic and major anxiety problems. Had some marital problems and I guess I turned to food to help get me through it. Things are much better in the marriage dept and migraines as well so it's me time Kids start school in the am. I work part time so on my days off I plan to exercise my butt off I look forrward to checking in here for help.
  • Welcome, Aileen! You'll love it here. There's so much support and comaradery!
  • Hiya Aileen and welcome to 3FC!
    I hate to repeat the others before me ... but, you're going to love it here!

    Much success!
  • Welcome Aileen: I hope you'll find the support and motivation from our group. Check out all the inspirational stories that so many great ladies have shared. Those stories really helped me.

    Stacye: Awesome loss!
  • Welcome! Please join in anywhere!
  • Welcome! Good for you getting back on track. I know how hard that is for me. You're off to a great start and hopefully you'll get as much benefit out of this site as I have been getting.
  • to the board! Post often so we can get to know you!
  • Welcome Aileen!
  • Aileen, glad you're here. I know you'll get a lot out of it. These ladies are wonderful.

    BTW, my middle name is Aileen!