21 day boost and summer amnesty!

  • Ok chickies...here we go. If you are doing the 21 day boost it's time for Take Off! We are worth this so let's do it! Life is going to be hectic and throw us curves..so let's be ready and find a way to adjust and stay on plan and get rid of this weight!
  • Heather I am not doing the 21 day boost, but I am totally inspired by your ammenesty program. I started today, I have been POP and I am going to stay that way. I have been straying away all summer and I need to get back on the wagon and finish this. School starts tomorrow and I am ready to spend some time caring for myself again!
  • Lisa--great to see you!! I am not doing the boost either but I am planning some Slimfast days for when I forget my lunch or time gets away from me--which is often. I took in my "shake breakdown" page and the counselor even agreed the Slimfast was better nutritionally than the Slimdown--shocking she agreed and said go ahead. I wish I could find the Low Carbs though--I can only get the Optimas so we decided if I throw in a string cheese I'll get the right protein. She also okayed the Tuna Lunchkits that I love so I am good to go at school. I am back on track after a long, enjoyabled summer. Woke up to horrible cramps so I hope maybe to have a loss next WI--post-TOM. It's so hard to put us first with the kids home. I'm too easy!

    Kiss the Summer eating habits goodbye!!
  • I started today as well! While the cesear salad I ordered had too much dressing, overall I did very well.

    Here is to a successful day 2!
  • Okay where is everyone doing this?!! LOL Im starting over today. Take off. Ugg I hate take off. I really want to get refocused ( I know I sound like a broken record) but I know this diet works and Im sick of just hovering around gaining and losing the same 10 pds (yep its increased) UGGGG!

    I really could use some support and motivation on this so whos with me?! Anyone?
  • Beanie - I've been doing just one day at a time. I start school tomorrow, so I will probably start up with the slim fast at that time as well.
    We're here for ya!!
  • Sherry - thanks! I appreciate it! Im really gonna try to get back to posting every weekday anyway.
  • I've been trying to post more, and I've been writing down everything in my food journal over the last couple of days. (even my pria bars)
    I think we have all fallen into a slump over the summer, and now it's time to go back in!