A Very Small Silly Little NSV

  • When I was putting on earrings the other day I noticed in the mirror that this little crease I used to have in my earlobes from being fat is gone.

    I'm so glad. I always REALLY hated that little crease
  • That is great. I noticed that my earlobes got smaller too. WTG
  • How funny! I never would have thought about that!
  • I'm really happy for u fiddler!!!woohoo way to go!!!
  • That's interesting...Studies have shown that people with a diagonal earlobe crease are at increased risk of coronary artery disease. Congratulations on possibly lowering your risk.
  • Thats brilliant! Keep up the fantastic work!
  • Good for you! And there is no such thing as a very little small NSV. They are all super!!
  • Neat! Way to go!
  • Cheers to odd little unexpected NSVs!
  • I like the little silly NSV's, they are fun. Congratulations!