National Association to Advace Fat Acceptance

  • I just stumbled across this website:

    It's the National Association to Advace Fat Acceptance. I know there's a general movement toward acceptance of overweight people, but I never knew such a formal organization existed. I haven't had a chance to take an extensive look at the website yet, so I'm not making any judgment calls on it. They do address health issues related to obesity, so it doesn't sound like they're encouraging people to be unhealthy, which is good. I just wanted to share this and was curious as to any thoughts people might have.
  • There was a thread on it not long ago. I don't know how to post links so I'll just leave it at that.
  • It's a mixed bag organization. Their agenda is complicated, because in adition to civil rights issues, they also sponsor social clubs to meet fat romantic partners. Mostly men seeking fat women (and for a large number of them, wanting their partner to stay fat, because they're only attracted to fat women).

    They modeled themselves after the NAACP, and get involved in legal battles of fat discrimination. They got involved in a case I read about, of a woman who was dropped from the nursing program in her senior year because of her weight. She had passed all the course work with flying colors, but the new nursing department director believed that the woman should not be allowed to be a nurse because of her weight.