
  • Hey guys.
    I'm doing alright except that I've been incredibly sleepy and overly hungry. I've been napping daily. I can't function unless I do. Before eating, my head plays games with me about how my food plan meal isn't going to be enough. But then, once I eat it, I'm totally fine.

    It's been a really wierd few weeks. I've either been hormonal and emotional or tired and hungry.

    I'm ready for some sense of normalcy.
  • I'm new. I don't have any advice, but I wanted you to know that I do the same thing. I will look at a portioned amount of food and I immediately start thinking, "this is not going to be enough". Of course, it always is. Anyway, you're not alone.
  • thanks coopgirl. I'm feeling much better. Plan to post about it.
  • Hormones suck! I can usually tell by the chocolate smeared in my hand that it's almost time for my period... and it's hard to control myself leading up to it. Then once I am in it - I can usually have my appetite calm down. Don't you wish the guys out there could experience being female for oh, say about a week?! They have no idea!
  • yes, indeed. Hormones suck. Guys are such big babies--they would have to stay home!