Core Support Board for week of August 7-13, 2006

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  • Good Morning Chicks! I finally figured out what was wrong with my computer. I had to delete my temporary internet files. This morning 3FC is working fast. I don't understand why only this site was slow. It must have something to do with the fact that I come here more than any other site and lots of these files must have been stored.

    We had a nice evening of togetherness. We watched the entire Sox game since it was so important to us. We won and even had a no hitter going until the 6th inning. Usually, we tape it and then check in periodically. We are playing the team ahead of us in first place so today and tomorrow's games are important as well! Enough baseball.

    I didn't have a great eating day. I picked at some non-Core things and I haven't been keeping close count of my 35 WPA's. That's why I need to go back to a meeting. I don't regulate myself closely enough when I'm not going to meetings. I'm doing great with portion control though. I'm not as hungry or obsessed as I was on flex but I'm still watching. I'm a little hungrier than before but not horribly so. I'm eating more often. Yesterday, I ate about 5 or 6 times. It's a great program if one follows it!

    Today, I have shopping and errands to do because I was a lazy bum yesterday. I'm making a Froufie roast today and roast chicken tomorrow. My favorite chicken from Rosebud farms is on sale so I need to go get it. I also need some fruit and veggies which I'll get on the way home.

    I had a long bubble bath and talked to my friend working on his life changes. He hadn't done much. I told him that he was lucky he wasn't married to me. He just laughed!

    Let's see what I missed!
  • Saundra, Jim IS doing better. Thanks for asking. He is enjoying driving again very much. He's trying to be moderate with taking back his life but I know it isn't easy for him. I know what you mean about the heat packs. We have ice packs here. Last night I iced my hip and my knee and he did his shoulder. We are a beautifully matched pair! I'm sorry to hear that your foot still troubles you. Have you tried Birkenstock? I love mine and have about 6 pairs. They are a bit hard to get used to but once they mold to your feet (with your body heat and weight), they are divine! I've been told by the Rep on QVC that you have to bend the front with your hand a bit to get them a little softer. Jim said that a young girl came into PT with foot pain. The Therapist asked if she wore flip flops all the time and the girl admitted that she does. Apparently, the Therapist was very stern and concerned and said that she would have completely flat feet if she kept it up. The Therapist recommended Birkenstocks too. I don't have orthotics but I do have heel spurs in both heels. I got New Balance walkers with a special insert $25 and they seem to be working great. Your roast sounds amazing. You made me get a taste for a roast which is why I'm having a Froufie roast today! Have fun with Natan.

    Angela, I SO admire you for having DH change your password! I know it couldn't have been easy. I have an addictive personality too, so I understand how you are feeling. It's sweet that you shared it with us....we always want to be that great support structure for each other. I'm sure that some of it isn't your fault though. I have read that something happens to the brain when playing and for some time afterwards that causes a bit of an addictive reaction. Good for you! Maybe you'll turn your energy toward creating new Core recipes for us to try. How's your Mom doing? Sorry I missed your dinner menu question last night. I would have gone for the Core green beans and the WW dessert. No one ever knows and if they do, they enjoy it anyway. I have the most FABULOUS WW blueberry pie. I've not checked the points on it in a long time but people used to BEG for it. How did dinner go? Niki, I hope you and DS are feeling better! Summer colds and infections are just horrible.

    Kathy, I double check all medical bills. I trust no one when it comes to my money! Jim laughs because my annual budget is on excel spreadsheets. I keep track of each reimburseable purchase. Now I'm tracking our medical spending/travel for taxes. This will be the first year that we'll probably be able to claim it. It's quite an elaborate spreadsheet considering that I taught myself Excel. Jim calls my system Vicken! I love homemade bread. My Sister used to make it for us and we'd eat it up before the next loaf came out. Not everyone can do it. I think it takes special hands. What time should I be there for the next loaf? What did you end up eating last night?

    Melissa, Jim and I are homebodies too! We love to snuggle inside. Isn't it so much more fun when you have a wonderful place that you love to be? Those shelves are spectacular! I didn't know what to picture when you would talk about how Aaron was wrestling with them. What a wonderful job he did. They look custom built and will definitely add to the value of your house. Tell Aaron that he should be very proud of himself. And great job to you on color selection!

    Sandra, I REALLY proud of you for not letting that one silly pound slow you down. Before, you might have viewed that as a reason to give up. You are really an inspiration. I'm happy that you have such fun with the Grandkids. You are giving them some great memories!

    Frouf, did you have two fingers up? I've made a note of your millionaire specialties. Jim is getting nervous and doesn't want to think about it anymore until after Tuesday. He thinks he'll get so nervous that he won't pass the audition. I'm glad that you're having such a great time with your Brother. It gives the kids a chance to hear about another side of you. I'm glad the clerk let your DD know how much she should appreciate you. Maybe the seed has been planted? We can only hope. Great job on the BBQ. I'm sure you'll use it alot. Did you get charcoal or gas? I'm sorry about your leg. Kathy's right. If you can't reach it to rub it then it might be nerve pain. I had that in my foot for a long time. It finally went itself I think. It was weird and painful, like electric shocks. I'd still call the Doctor if I were you and if it doesn't go away.

    I make my potatoes between lumpy and smooth and I always use warm milk. I peel and cube the potatoes before I boil them. I always use red potatoes but today I'm going to try Yukon Gold as an experiment. I generally used some points to add some Smart Balance light for just a bit of butter flavor. I melt that before hand to make sure it is warm too. I also add a bit of FF sour cream to make it be a bit creamier. First I warm the margarine and milk then I stir in the sour cream and let that sit in a bowl until the potatoes are ready to mash. I use a hand mixer on medium.

    Whew! I was WAY behind. I'm going to go eat breakfast now. Do we have a menu thread?
  • Enough baseball? Whatchutalkin'bout, Willis? You can never have enough baseball!!! We also won last night and it was quite a game! It was a very easy start with us up 10-0 by the end of the second inning, but then they scored 6 in the 4th and we were like uh-oh! All ended well though with a 14-7 win. Whew! We're 5 games back but doing well, so there's still hope.

    I was a little miffed this morning when I stepped on my little friend, Mr. Scale, and saw 144.8. Harrumph! The nerve of him -- I demand nothing less than total loyalty so he'd better watch his Ps and Qs or he'll be outta there! This time last week was 143.0. What's a girl to do????? Oh, wait, I remember: keep plugging along. Yeah, that's it. Most of it is probably salt from that darn Mexican food. I'll drink extra water today to see if I can get rid of it.

    Yep, Shaun leaves in 9 days. I asked him what time of day, and he said probably 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Then I asked if I should take off work and he said why would you? Oh, I don't know, but nevermind. See ya, I guess! Some friends are taking him out tonight and I told him STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! We don't need ANY mess-ups!

    Okay, I guess I'd better get to work. I have a few things stacked up that I was going to get out of the way this morning; I'm only working until noon or so.
  • good morning. i'm up early to get ready to go to a baby shower brunch. curtis is on the treadmill. he's decided to do more exercise. yesterday he was in a lot of joint pain. i hope today's better for him.

    saundra, have fun with natan. i envy your living so close to him. you are lucky to get to spend quality time with him often. i'd also like to suggest SAS shoes. this summer i've been wearing them without my orthodics. curtis now wears them, too. my podiatrist said he was pleased we're wearing them.

    frouf, i was at the market with you last night. well, i felt like it. i love reading your adventures. and a frou frou place? didn't we have fun there!!

    vickie, you're right. those meetings are almost like magic. i give a lot of credit to what i'm doing now to going to meetings regularly. you're going this monday, aren't you? i think you'll feel much much better when you walk in that door. it's not easy to go back. sort of like going back to church when you've been wayward awhile. but when you get back--you'll feel soooo good. this baby shower is going to be a good test for me today. i have no clue what there will be to eat. guess i'll just deal with it. i hardly ever use the 35 wpa's. i may have to this week. we'll see.

    good success to your sox.

    i'll go look for the menu thread.
  • kathy, we must have been posting same time. good morning. i wouldn't worry about the scales this am if i were you. it has to be the mexican food and will come off quickly. are you going to have a family get together for shaun before he leaves? it won't be long now, will it? he's going to have a good experience. maybe this will be just what he needs. i hope so.

    we kept up with the ranger game last night on the espn ticker. i have a question about the cowboys. did they trade keyshawn johnson? is that why they got terrell owens? just wondering. i hope terrell behaves himself. i remember deione being a whiney baby when he was there. big toe kept him from playing. emmitt was playing with a broken bone. (i'm getting wound up, aren't i?)
  • Hoo boy, whiny baby doesn't even begin to describe him, in my opinion! I'm so glad Deion's gone! I'm not so sure it was that much of a trade though; Johnson for Owens, I mean. We released Keyshawn because he wanted too much money, right about the time that the Eagles released Terrell. After Keyshawn was gone, it freed up enough money for Terrell. I wish he had gone to Denver instead of here, but since I don't really follow football all that much, it won't matter to me. Fortunately I'll get a teeny break between the end of baseball and the beginning of basketball.

    I'm not sure if we'll have a hoopla for Shaun or not. He's also going somewhere next Friday night with some people, then Saturday Judd has a bike ride in the morning and we're taking a washer/dryer to Kate in the afternoon, then Sunday Judd has his fantasy football draft and will be gone all day. I don't think Shaun would want anything though; he usually stays in his room and keeps to himself. He's not much for coming out and socializing with the rest of us.

    Okay, back to work. I just went over and gave a loaf of bread to a man we work with; he's the one who brought us food while I was off work and we sometimes do things with him and his wife, although they're quite a bit older than we are (especially Judd). They don't live far from us so when they go on vacation, Judd takes care of their house and cats. Anyway they're very nice and he was giddy about the bread.
  • Holy crow, I just cleaned, cleaned, and did some more cleaning, what's got into me????
    Slowly, but surely, things are looking better. I actually bought a paper shredder yesterday. I had so many old visa bills and other personal stuff, that I got nervous about throwing them in the garbage. Trip to Walmart, and $29.99 later, there all gone!

    Oh, the specialist said that my Clarkes are good. I have two pair and they give good support.

    I think I'm ready for my little man now, so I better call and see when I can expect him.
  • Kathy, your scale will come back down. That salty food is just deadly. I can't believe only 9 more days for Shaun. It's sad that he doesn't want a send off. Oh Well....everyone is different. The Rangers are still in the hunt. I never give up until my team is mathmatically eliminated. I'm one of THOSE fans. Hmmmm....sounds like my personality in general, doesn't it? I guess my loaf of bread will be ready any time now? I'm SURE that I have enough points left.

    Sandra, I hope you enjoy the baby shower. It's so much fun when they are in the expectant stage! I hope Curtis is feeling better. I know the treadmill will make me feel better too. I'm not sure if I'm going back this Monday or next. It's definitely no later than the 21st. I've decided for sure.

    Saundra, I needs some cleaning encouragement. I just don't want to right now. Probably if I got started it would be good! I have Clarks too. They are my second favorite type of shoe. Jim and I are on about our 3rd shredder. We feel the same way you do. All of that stuff gets shredded. It's right in here next to my computer.

    Well, my Honey Lamb went to get the roast for me. Now I have to Froufify it (you know it must be rubbed up!) before I go out for the rest of the stuff. I'm not sure if he's coming with me or not. The Sox game came on at 12:15 and he's watching it very carefully!

    I'll be back later.
  • Oh where oh where could my little friends be......

    I'm off to cook dinner soon. I likely won't be back until tomorrow.

    I hope you all have a great evening. I'm going to go make a menu thread since we don't have one. Is that a bad sign?
  • Hi, I'm here! Just enjoying my Saturday. I made a Wal-Mart run with just my youngest dd, and then we hit a garage sale and got some great girl clothes, including a very nice winter coat. I think I got 12 pieces of clothing, the coat, some shoes for me and a purse/checkbook thing for me all for $5. Not bad at all. I'm not usually a garage sale person, because it's too difficult to wrangle all the small children in and out of the car etc, but I'm glad I visited this one.

    I am quite afraid to weigh myself, and I think I shall abstain for a bit longer. I am struggling with caring about my eating, but this will change soon, I promise.

    I am enjoying day 2 of my "freedom" from my computer game. The weather is beautiful here today - sunny but not too hot, and nice and breezy. It's not really typical August Iowa weather at all, but I'll take it!

    I'm making salmon patties for dinner, along with some kind of veggie. Oh yes, and my dinner last night went very well. I decided on the green beans with almonds, because I thought they'd appeal to more people, but I will try the other recipe next green bean harvest. (like in 3 days )

    Off to get a drink of water,
  • My steaks are ready for the barbeque, the roasted potatoes are done and on warm, and the sweet onions are marinating. The salad is on the table and my wine is chilling. Now, I just have to wait for Bernie to get home and I'll finish everything and we'll eat, yummy!

    Angela, we're also having a sunny and cool August day.

    We go away to Picton again on Friday, so lets hope that the heat returns.
  • Angela, you and me, girlfriend! I'm afraid to even weigh tomorrow morning, let alone Monday morning for the official weekly weight. All I can hope for is that "something" kicks in soon ... and I decide that I really need to meet my goal. Oh and in case you think my goal is 145? That was the WW goal. Mine is 135. Yep, a whopping 10 pounds lower.

    Tomorrow is another day.
  • Hi ladies, ds has strep throat so he is on antibiotics his cough is still terrible so I just called the pediatrician and he called in a med at the pharmacy for his cough and my mom went to pick it up. Went to my dr today because my throat is on fire and I am having shooting pains into my ear, they did a strep test and gave me antibiotic which I brought in to get filled, we had some errands to do and I did not know the pharmacy closed at 6pm on Saturdays, when I got there at 6:01 it was already closed if I would of known I would of taken it to the one my mom is heading to know, I will have to wait till tomorrow morning to get it now.

    Will try to check back later, feeling kinda crummy
  • Niki, I hope it gets better for you all soon!

    We had a game delay for the Rangers -- but did we get rain at the house? Nooooo ... too much to ask, I suppose! It did get a little cloudy but that's all. The only rain we got to see was on the TV, and now it's over and the game has resumed. Oh well ... do you suppose someday we might get relief here? It's 8:36 p.m. and still 95 degrees.

    I hope everybody's having a good evening.
  • kathy, thank you for the sports report. i am a cowboys fan but haven't kept up with them well since moving to montana. i guess i need to check them out on the net more. we don't get many of their games up here. we get more vikings, packers, seahawks and broncos. i don't think montana really knows which team to support. lol

    saundra, i guess you and natan are having a good day.

    curtis and i went out to lunch after i got home from the baby shower brunch. (i only had a glass of water there. i wasn't hungry and no one really cared. i just carried a glass of water around with me.) we went to golden corral. i did all right there but came home and had 2 corn dogs for dinner. that wasn't a very good decision but i counted the pts. i told curtis i'd like to go biking tomorrow. it's cool enough now. that will be good exercise. he needs to exercise even more than i do. he's been aching a lot. we think he needs to work on getting his bod in shape.

    vickie, your froufie roast sounds good. sounds like you and jim are having a relaxing saturday watching your sox. makes me smile.

    angela, what wonderful bargains you got! that's great. at our ww meeting yesterday our leader suggested that all new lifetime members come to weekly meetings for at least one year. that way they will have dealt with all special occasions once before they venture out on their own. i had heard that before from another leader. i think it's a good idea.

    nikki, i hope you all get better soon.