Christmas Challengers August Support Thread

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  • I'm with ya on the scale monster. Pick one scale (your own). Weigh first thing in the morning after you pee, before you eat, and before you take a bath. You don't have to every morning. Be aware of flunctuations. They will happen. I ALMOST have mine to a science. LOL.
  • Quote: But you also weigh almost 30 pounds less now. I just don't want to see you get discouraged if you don't lose 3-4 pounds a week every week.
    Understood, I'm totally happy with the 2lbs already, but my weigh-in day is monday so i still have 4 days to lose another pound or so...But I'm still estatic with the 2lb. Don 't worry I don't get discouraged until i hit that nasty plateu!!!!! God I hate those...Grrrrr!

    Thank you for caring

    Loves and Hugs Sotypical!
  • This was my journal entry for Monday. I so know about those scales!!!
    A funny thing happened on the way to the scales...

    Oh boy. It's Monday. Why on earth did I decide to make Mondays weigh-in days?!? Why did I choose the first day of the work week?!? Why the day after the weekend when indulgence is most tempting and most prevalent?!? Why? WHY, GOD, WHY?!?!?

    I awoke at 5 am this morning. A Monday. A Monday following a weekend of family visitations, rainy weather, and even an evening on the town. Ugh! I hate Monday! As with the last 6 Mondays, I ease out of my warm king-sized bed being careful not to wake my dear, sleeping dog; oh and my husband too. I creep down the hallway toward the bathroom, barefoot, and a shiver runs down my spine. I wince and squint as I flip the switch and intense, 100 watt light engulfs me. I blink several times before the small devil square on the floor becomes clear. The numbers...those dreaded numbers...numbers which seem somehow to define not only how I see myself but how everyone else sees me as well... To maintain uniformity, I strip off my nightshirt which forces me to acknowledge that person that resides in the mirror stretching the very length of the room. Her hair is a tangle of light brown straw and it is evident that she has forgotten to remove her make up the night before AGAIN. In a word, she looks...well...drunk. I suddenly feel as though I might really be hung over, though I haven't drank in weeks. Remembering the purpose of this trip, I turn my eyes downward to the floor and stare at the blank face of my oppressor. The decider of my fate. The one object that will determine whether it is a good day or a bad day. "I'll weigh myself tomorrow" and I walk past the monster. It continues to glare at me as I relieve myself. It eats at my conscience and reminds me of the committment I made to myself at the end of June. "Fine, you win!" I tap the corner of this destroyer of souls and see it's hideous face light up with joy at the chance of defeating me again. I gingerly step on its textured surface and await its judgement. It's face blinks for an eternity as it sizes me up... "I could still stop it. It would only take one little step. One little step to avoid my destiny today." But I am too late. It has returned it's fatal answer...

    I had lost 1.8 pounds this week; a total of 13.5 for 6 weeks. I am so shocked that I actually repeat the entire process four more times before I finally leave the bathroom. With a sense of great pride and accomplishment, I leave the atrocity to itself and consider the victories to come. Hopefully, when I again face my adversary, I will be certain of my victory. I will not lose the battle before I have begun the fight. I will be prepared to face my opponent with confidence and self-assurance. I love Mondays!!!
  • TiredofWeightin!

    THat was halarious!! Good Job!!!

  • Lmbo! Monday would never be my day of choice either because the weekend is when we tend to mess up! You are BRAVE!!
  • I like to throw my weigh in day in the middle of the weekend to help me keep on track. I dunno, works for me! But if I left it til Monday I'd probably just overeat on Saturdays and hope that it didn't show up on Monday. :-\
  • My weigh in date is whenever my scale says something I like..lmbo!
  • My weigh in day is Saturday. It always seems to be the lowest on Saturday. Like last week I weight Friday morning around 6 - 182.2. I weighed Saturday morning around 7 - 180.0 - every week same thing, and its not the hour that makes the difference. And I can sleep in and weigh later. I always weigh less at 8am then at 5:30am haha.
  • I would love to start this challenge. I just found this website on Monday. I quit smoking three months ago and last month joined a gym ( I go 3x per week and love it) so now I am getting serious about losing weight. A little about myself, I live in Virginia. I am 36 years old, married without any children. I am a Office Manager and absolutely love my job. I am only 4'11 and 3/4. Nickname is Little Lori. Look forward to posting and getting to know each of you.
  • Hi ladies
    I weigh every day....I know that most experts tell you not to do that but my doctor suggested it...she says that it keeps you honest and enables you to make adjustments right away. She said in a recent study that they found that most people who are overweight have no idea what they weigh or when they are works for me. I lost!!!! Yea!!! Leslie
  • I weigh everyday too, but I only count Saturday's.
  • Lori--Welcome to our challenge and good luck!!
    Leslie--WHOO! That's a good jumpstart on this challenge!
  • Hey Ya'll! Hope everyone's day went great.

    I stuck to my healthy eating and its been 4 days with NO FASTFOOD! For those of you who dont know I am a FF addict and am going cold turkey! I totally done with all that nasty crap! But its so addicting....grrr....Probably another 10days or so of hardcore cravings.

    My Kitty Blinky has a vet appointment tommrow morning and I have a car inspection/oil change appointment tommrow as well, oh what fun

    Anyone else have Allergies? Mine are killing me! grrr...

    Well to everyone


    (I'm around and would love to chat so if anyones bored, post here, or IM me on AOL or YAHOO, names are in my profile )
  • Hey, guess what? Its afternoon here and 5 people have already complemented me since morning!!! Its my day today!!! They said I look so thin, so "in shape" and my husband was also with me... I feel so good now. because last few days I was worried why I gained 2 lbs? I had tofu for lunch and did my 1 mile running!

    Keep going gals!
  • Princess..congrats on the WILLPOWER!

    Willma, did you run into people you haven't seen in a while? That's a LOT of compliments in one day. What's your secret. Pass some compliments my way. hehehehe. Congrats!