Pilates??? Anyone???

  • A friend of mine says to try pilates, she said it kicked her butt and she has lost like 30lbs in 3 months and she feels toned all over has anyone else tried the pilates and do you like it?? Just curiousy I'm bidding on one now on ebay
  • I love Pilates. I should do it more often, but when I do I really enjoy it.
  • I like it, some of the moves are a bit too much for me, but the leg ones keep my legs and butt sore!! Its a good exercise
  • ?
    What type of Pilates does she do? Does she do a video? I have a Crunch Pilates: Belly, Butt & Thighs. It definitely is a workout but I don't do it often enough to really see the difference. One time I did Winsor Pilates (before the infomercial) I found in a book and my pants started to get baggy, then I fell off the wagon and fizzled out. It is really good at toning the abs and the thighs, and it's not too intensive, at least what I did. But it always made me feel really good and relaxed afterward.
  • Well thanks! Gonna give it a try. I have a dvd havnt check it out yet so give it a shot try it for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I will let you know how I do. Maybe I will take measurments and then post again after 3 weeks.
  • I do Pilates classes with a very experienced instructor. To do it correctly instruction in real life is the best way. Engaging you core muscles is difficult at first until you get used to it, and the breathing system is tricky too.

    I have found it's helped my balance and co ordination enormously. My family (I hadn't seen my mum for two years) were astounded at the difference in my abilities.